Eighteen: My Wish to See No Colors

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Requested by Killer_Kiara

Dream sat at the bench, drawing little doodles of him and his crush. He smiled with a tiny blush appearing on his cheeks.

He was sat crosslegged, face in his tiny sketch book which was filled with a boy named George.

He looked up out into the field and watched as George caught the baseball. He was all for the boy! Though, he knew he was invisible towards him. No way George knew Dream existed!

He knew it was going to stay that way.

A few hours after school had started the next day, Dream was painting flowers on a watercolor paper in art class.

"Remember! Watercolor is supposed to be messy!" His art teacher said before there was a knock on the door.

Dream turned and got up.

"I got it." He mumbled. As a shy kid, he didn't talk much, nor did he talk very loud.

Once he opened the door, he was shocked to see George standing there. He turned red before stepping aside to let him through.

"Oh, hello," his art teacher greeted.

"Hi," George said. "Uhm..." he walked over and gave him papers. "I was wondering if I could join your class?"

Join his class!? George...George!? He was trying to join art? In his class!? No way! He already sat two seats away from him in World History! How was he going to deal with two classes?!

"Of course! I thought you were one of the baseball players, though.."

"I decided to take a break and join this class to help with my colorblindness..."

"Oh! You're colorblind? How cool! Uh---go take a seat next to...Clay!" Dream turned red. "Raise your hand?" He put his hand up and shrunk in his seat.

"Hi, I'm George!" He put his hand out to the scarlet boy.

"Dream---" he whispered.

"I'm sorry, pardon?"

"D-Dream..." he mumbled, a bit clearer this time, shaking George's fingers with his tiny hands instead of George's whole hand.

"I thought your name was Clay?"

"I like Dream..." he mumbled.

"Oooh...you're shy, aren't you?" Dream shrugged, trying to break eye contact.

The boy went back to his painting, sparing one last glance towards George.

"Here you are." The teacher gave George a piece of paper and three different paint brushes. "Just share water and the pallet with Clay."

"Thank you." George thanked before the Mr. Patrik walked away.

George didn't want to just stay quiet and not make any friends, so he decided to start up a conversation with Dream.

"I like your flower." He smiled.

Dream shrunk and said thank you.

"You like painting?" George asked, dipping his brush into the water.

"A little..."

"Well, you can paint really well. I'm sure you like some kind of art." Dream didn't reply. "You are shy..." Again, Dream didn't reply.

So, with a negative thought flying through George's head, he shut up. What was the negative thought? Dream probably was getting annoyed by him.

"Sorry, I'll be quiet now..." George didn't know what color to use, so he dipped his brush into what he thought was green.

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