Twelve: My Piggy Protector pt.2

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Last night, all I knew was I slept well. I was always afraid of something happening or someone broken in or....I was just scared in genaral. I didn't like sleeping by myself.

So I opened my eyes to be greeted with the rays of sunshine. I squirmed and looked down. I loud snore came from the hybrid who slept on my chest.

(Dreams still bottom)

I laid back down, deciding to let him sleep, knowing he didn't get much at the shop. I just knew they didn't get much. Three to four hours seemed reasonable for a place like that.

It was open 24 hours.

Another loud snore came from the piggy before he moved.

Another snore.

It was cute, I couldn't deny. Everything he did was cute!


He sat up and coughed. He squited his eyes and stretched before looking down at me.

"Did I sleep on you?" He asked, tiredness still laced in his voice.

"Well, you just were, I don't think you did all night. I'm not sure."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to."

"It's okay! Like I said, I don't mind contact with you." I got up out of bed. "Now, what do you want for breakfast?"

"You must like it, huh?" The hybrid took in a whole waffle, but nodded. "I recommend eating your fruits. They're good for you." I gave a small smile.

He swallowed his waffle, a tiny snort coming from him. He took his fork and stabbed the strawberry; he tried it.

"Why is it spicy?"

I giggled. "You might not like that one. Try a grape." He was confused. "The tiny, round one." I helped.

He stabbed that one and ate it.

"It feels weird but it has a cool taste."

"Now that's the right definition for banana. Try that flat, yellow circled fruit."

"Yeah, that one feels weird."

"Hey, I need to give you a bath today. Is that alright?" He tensed up visibly.

"I don't like baths." He shrunk.

"It won't be anything like the shops, I promise."

"I don't wanna."

I sighed.

"Come on. You have to get in. If I don't take care of you properly, they're gonna take you away from me!" He still faught back. He held onto my door knob and wouldn't let go.

"I don't wanna!"

"You have to!" I tugged on him once more before he let out a low growl along with a glare. I let go of him, frightened. "Whenever you divide to grow up and let me give you a bath, you may let me know." So I left towards my room and shut the door.


My heart shattered. Why though? Because I scared him? I didn't mean to. All he's done was take care of me. He's fead me, let me sleep with him on a comfy bed, let me use his clothes, and decided to take care of me without shock collars and all.

The least I could do is let him bathe me. He hasn't lied to me so far, why would he lie about the baths he'd give me?

So I let go of the knob and went for his room. I carefully opened the door and peeked in.

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