Forty-nine: Defend Yourself

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Dreamnoblade (daughter and dad oneshot)

"Who was that girl over there?" Techno asked, looking in the mirror to look at his little girl.


"The girl with the brown hair, who was that?" He asked again.

"Clara? She's a bully." His daughter crossed her arms, a pout making it's way to her lips.

"Why'd she push you?" He continued to drive home.

"She does that all the time."

"Why'd she do it?"

"She-she---I'm ugly..." she rubbed her cheek while looking out the window.

"What did you just say?" Techno stopped the car in their driveway, taking the keys out of the ignition.

"I'm ug---"

"No. No, you are not!" He looked back at his daughter. "Who said that!?"

"Clara and her friends say that my glasses look weird and I'm too fat. They said my hair is too short and---"

"Listen here, young lady, you are the most precious and beautiful girl I've ever laid my eyes on. Do you think me and daddy are ugly?" She shook her head. "Well, me and daddy made you. You have all of our looks and yet you call yourself ugly?! You look just like me! We even have matching glasses! You don't like'em?"

"I do! But they said---"

"What they said didn't matter! What they say is more important than what me and daddy say?"


"Then why do you believe them?"

"Because what you guys say---you're supposed to say that." She finally looked over at her dad's face.

"That's absolute bullsh---bullcrap! Baby~ you're perfect the way you are!" He sunk in his seat, feeling like he failed as a father already.

The little girl stayed quiet, biting her tongue.

"What does she do to you?" Techno broke the silence with a scary face, his daughter not affected by it as she's already seen it too much. Well, it is passed down to her.

"She pushes me, throws my lunch away, throws dirt in my hair---takes my glasses and throws them in the toilet---"

"And you're only eight..." he rolled his eyes. "And what do you do?" She stayed quiet. "You let her do it, don't you?" Nooroo nodded her head.

Techno shook his head with crossed arms, already having enough with that little b#tch.

"Let's go inside. Daddy gonna teach you how to drop kick her. In self defense."

"Nope, arm up." Techno brought the girls arm up. "Now hit me. As hard as you can." Techno had his hands on his knees, ready for his daughter to hit him as hard as she can.

She brought her little fist up and started to pound on his chest, doing no damage at all.

"Good job! Now, If she grabs your glasses, you take her arm, right here, and you twist, then shove her to the floor. You grab your glasses and you walk out like the sweetest little girl, 'kay?" She nodded her head. "Daddy's gonna try and take your glasses, and you're gonna do what I just taught you."

And the teaching went on 'til six PM. Ain't no one gonna touch his little girl again.

"Remember what daddy taught you, okay?" Techno reminded the little girl before she got out of the car and into the school building.

Dream looked over at him from the passenger side with a concerned look.

"What'd you teach her?" Techno looked over at him.

"None ya. Now let's go home and watch a movie." He yawned while pulling out of the school. "I'm tired." He turned towards Dream with a smile.

"We have Nooroo's daddy daughter dance tonight, you know." Dream reminded. Techno let out a long 'UGGHHHH!'

"I forgot. What time?"

"Seven. I have work. You gotta take her." Dream said, mouth agape. His hand lay on his husband's chest.

"Babe, I don't have a suit. I just have my uh..."

"Costume? Use that. You could have her be a little princess!" He smiled.

"That's goofy. I'll buy a tux."

"I hate you." Dream looked out the window with crossed arms.

"Love you, too."

"Did she mess with you today?" Techno asked, bringing his daughter down the aisle with little dresses.

"No. She was absent." She huffed.

" what's it gonna be, little princess or just a normal dress---"

"Little princess!" She yelled.

" I gotta wear my costume thing."

"You look great in it, daddy! Just like a king---ooooh...this ones cool!" She pointed at a light pink dress with flowers.

Techno smiled at her. "That'd look cute on you. Wanna get it? And a tiara, and shoes, and---"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah!" She grabbed the dress and ran off.

"Ah---" his voice cracked. "Nooroo! Don't get lost!" He ran after the brunette.

Techno walked into the lit up gym with his daughter. The little girl wore her pink dress with a rose gold tiara. The dad had his long hair down and was wearing his white shirt, black pants, shoes and his goofy looking crown. To say he was embarrassed was understandable.

But that's what makes it so cool. What dad wears king outfits at a daddy daughter dance? That's right, none. That's why Techno is such a cool dad. He just hadn't brought his cape.

"You sit here. I'm gonna go get something to eat since we didn't eat dinner. I'll be back, okay?" Techno said as Nooroo stayed in her seat.

She was pretty quiet, just looking around, watching the daughters and dads dance or eat cake. Sometimes the dads would just talk to each other while the girls would run around the gym.

"Hey loser." Nooroo turned around to look at Clara and her three other friends.

"What do you want?" Nooroo talked back earning a glare.

"...where's your dad?" Clara's friend asked.

"None of your business." She snapped back.

"Someone got a mouth after a day of me missin' school, huh?" She moved forward, then out of nowhere, she tried to push Nooroo off her chair, only landing on the hard floor herself.

"Try me, b#tch!" Nooroo yelled while she got on top of her, both of them fighting. The teachers pushed their way through the crowd after Techno made his way through a few people just to see his daughter pulling at her hair.

"Yeah! Beat her #ss!" He cheered her on, some of the parents gasping from the word he had just said.

"LANGUAGE!" A parent yelled from a random spot in the crowd.

"You did great, Nooroo!" Techno smiled back at his daughter who sat in the back, proud that she stuck up for herself.

Even though they both got kicked out and Nooroo got suspended, they were both very happy the girl didn't get hurt.

The End :)

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