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Mention of rape, death, and other disturbing things.


It's not everyday we see alphas running into our territory. But when we do every once in a while, we burn our villages down; including the pack house.

On other hand, we flee our homes, shops, hospitals, playgrounds, and even family.

I stay by myself. My family, they had left me to be killed by the alphas. And maybe even some betas. I was seven years old.

The ones who couldn't make it out in time, were beaten, killed, and raped. Sometimes even kidnapped.

But that was years ago. We only had one more attack. That one was ten years ago. Only three years after the first one.

I'm now living in a little cottage under many, many trees. It was as if it could be hidden really well. And, well, it was.

I was in the middle of making my friend, George, something for his birthday when all of a sudden, I heard someone scream at the top of their lungs.


And yes, I heard that right.

So as any other would do, I quickly grabbed my bag which was hanging on a branch.

I had time. Only a little more time than the others as my home wasn't in the open.

I hurried over to my 'kitchen' and grabbed as many fruits as I could. I shoved them in my bag along with George's gifts from me to him, and him to me.

I packed clothes and shoes; so many things I needed.

And that's when it hit me. A scent that made me go dizzy but energetic at the same time.

I couldn't help but to open the door, the smoke filling my lungs as I looked over to see fire in the distance.

"Ah!" I fell over, the weight of something on me. My nose tickled with the wonderful scent as well as something with a light shade of pink.

My hands were pinned. My head was against the ground. My feet were kicking and kicking.

Some of my senses had come back for me to only realize there was someone on me. Not only that, but sniffing me. Their face was in my neck.

"Please don't hurt me!" I cried. I didn't want to die yet!

"Oh...little omega..." a deep voice said. "You're mine now."

"Mmm..." I opened my eyes to be met with a warm light. I squirmed a little, feeling content on the soft surface I lay on.


Quickly sitting up, the blanket fell off of me. Where in the h#ll was I? All around me was dark wood. The room had grey tile, pictures, blankets everywhere, seats, a rug, and a beautiful window with dark green curtains.

It was really nice in here, yes. But it still made me scared. I didn't know where I was.

Well, i remember---Alpha! An alpha got me! That's where I am. I was kidnapped! I could get beaten, tortured, killed, or even raped for all I know!

I then touched my neck. Tears pricked my eyes. I was marked.

Quickly getting up, I ran over to the window. I looked out into the huge garden. It was beautiful. I could already tell I was in a mansion.

"Like the view?" I jumped back and tripped. Scared sh#tless, I focused on what my surroundings. Even though I still knocked over the mini table and a vase, going down with it.

"F#ck." I squeaked, squirming. I got up from the floor and broken glass, looking at me hands which were cut open.

My hands were grabbed just then. I looked up to see a male with pink hair. He observed my cuts with a straight face before leading me over to another room. I was freaking out.

He took a napkin and dampened it before cleaning my hands. After that, he stuck some band aids on with the smallest smile.

"S-Sorry for uh...nocking over your stuff. I didn't mean to." I mumbled.

"It's okay." He whispered, making eye contact with me for the first time, still focused on my hands.

"Where am I?" I asked him.

"My home." He answered blankly, moving my hands back over to me.

He walked out of the room, going to his nightstand.

"I know, but how far are we away home?" Which was probably already burned down...

"Far. Your fat#ss self gave me back problems when trying to carry you, so I'm going to bed."

I gave a little smile at his joke.

"I'm not joking." He said, not sparing me a glance.

What the f#ck?

How did he know I thought that was a joke?

"If you're tired, you can sleep here, or you can sleep over there. It's your choice." He flopped onto his pillow and snuggled under the blankets.

The fire was the only thing making noise at the moment. Was I tired? Eh. But what was I gonna do for the rest of the day?

"You are mine! I claimed you!"

"But I want to talk to him!"

---It's been three days since I was locked up in his room. And I already missed George!---

"You aren't stepping near him! He isn't stepping near you! I don't care what I have to do! If I have to lock you in my basement, I will!" Techno was mad. I just asked if we could go find George.


"No!" I got all submissive just then. I dropped to the floor and tilted my head, revealing the bite on me.

"Sorry...sorry. I'm sorry." I said, getting more submissive by the second.

"Good boy." He knelt down and hugged me, pulling me over to his body.

I put my head on his shoulder before wrapping my arms around him.

"Only good boys get good treatment. Ask me if you can see George again, and I will lock you downstairs. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes..." I looked down and closed my eyes. "I'm sorry."

"Baby, it's okay."


"Are you still mad?"

"A little. Don't ask again."


I felt a hand rub circles on my back which only lulled me to sleep.

Two months later I was locked in a basement starved and dehydrated.

I wanted George....

🤡🤡 I actually like this one a lot. It's my favorite so far.

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