Three: School sucks toes

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"He's so stupid."

"I know."

"I thought you were the nerd? Is it now terd?"

Dream sat in his classroom seat as the others picked on him because he got ONE question wrong.

"Back in your seats!" The teacher came back in.

Throughout the whole class, Dream had students throwing and spitting paper balls at him. It was embarrassing. People just watched and giggled.

The girls started taking pictures and posting them on snapchat.

The freckle faced boy then raised his hand.

"Yes, Clay?"

"Wait! Ma'am, I actually heard he wanted to be called Dream. Not Clay." His bully said.

"That's so gay!" (It's not, but I have a feeling that's what my mom would say)

"Well, you're still Clay to me. What did you want?"

"Can---may I please use the restroom?"

"Fill out your pass and you may go."

And that's exactly what Dream did. He filled his pass and got up from his seat. The small boy made his way out the room and down the halls.

He went into a stall and sat there. He just wanted to go home. He wanted his cat. He wanted his mom.

That's when he heard the stall open. He felt a wave of fear wash over him before he realized, two people from the same class can't use the restroom.

"Hey, buddy." One slammed the stall door open.

Another who picked on him. He was in English.

"Big Q texted me. Told me you were heading off."

"I-I'm actually leaving right now." Dream got up only to be pushed back down and slip into the bowl of toilet water.

"Ha! Can't go no-where! What're ya gonna do? Call your mom?" He took ahold on the bag on three it out.

"Hey! What's going on here?" They heard outside the stall.

Dream saw a tiny boy with brown hair.

"What do you want, new boy?"

"I want to know what's going on! Like I said."

Dream was indeed attracted to that accent.

"What? Would you like to join us?" Jake stepped away from me.

He stayed, stuck in the toilet.

"Oh my gosh---I'd love to!" Next thing you know, Jake was passed out on the floor.

"You punched him---" Dream stuttered.

"I did. Now, come on. Let's get you out." The boy bent down and wrapped his arms around Dream. "One, two, three---" he pulled the boy up and out of the toilet.

"Thank you." Dream said, sparing a glance.

"Of course! Here, I have a pair of sweatpants from gym you can wear." He gave them to Dream before he closed the stall door.

"Hand me your Jean's when you're done. I can put them in a disposable bag from the ladies' restroom!"

"Here," Dream gave the boy his pants, not questioning the whole ladies' restroom part.

George took ahold of them, walking into the ladies' room. He got some disposable bags and tied the jeans up.

"So, what's your name?" George asked once he arrived from the other room.

"It's Clay." He said, too scared of what George would think about Dream.

"I'm George!" He smiled. The door opened revealing Dream in sweats and a t-shirt. "They fit. A little tight. But they fit." George said.

"I'll be sure to wash them and return them tomorrow---"

"No need. I have loads at home. You can have those ones." He smiled. "Come on now. Let's get you back to class. Where is it?"

"Room 209."

"Oooh! You're just a junior!"

"Are you a senior?"


"You said you were new, how did you---"

"I didn't say sh#t. It was that dude in the stall with you. I've been here for about two months already. I know this school. I memorized it for emergencies."

"Oh...that's cool."

"Here's your class. I'm gonna go now. Bye bye!"


Three years later they moved in, adopted kids, and got married. The end.

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