Nine: Another who?

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Today, we coded it so it was me and George's anniversary! Yes, second marriage anniversary.

I am so excited! I took work off early just so I could go to the store and buy stuff for George and I.

I got his favorite movies, candy, dinner, and flowers. In the car, I got everything ready and drove home.

Then I soon realized there was a car in our driveway. Confused, I pulled in and got out with the stuff.

Though, I knew I shouldn't be so worried about it. George was the best and I trusted him. Plus, it's probably Nick with a new car.

I unlocked the door and went inside.

Only for my heart to shatter.

"Dream! You're home early!" George said, face flushed red. There was a girl on top of him, shirt off.

"Who the f#ck is this?!" I yelled, tears already escaping my eyes.

"No one---!"

"No one!? If she were no one then she wouldn't be half naked on top of you!"


"I don't want to hear sh#t from you! It was supposed to be our anniversary and you ruined it!" I struggled getting the bags off my wrists before throwing them on the floor along with my stupid wedding ring.

"Dream---wait!" He pushed the girl off of him.

"Get away from me! I'm leaving." I ran outside and took the car to a hotel.

"Sir, I could get you this room---"

"Just anything, please." I sobbed. I gave her my card and wiped my tears.

"Okay, want the VIP---"

"No! Please---I just need a f#cking room."

"Okayyy..." she chewed on her gum while swiping my card, eyes showing a little worry.

"Do you have any kind of gift shop where I can buy a charger?"

"Yeah, right over there," she pointed, handing me the key card.

I nodded and walked over.

Once I was finished, I walked over to the elevator and was about to press the 3rd floor before a man barges in.


"You're going to take me to your room, and we are going to work this out." George pointed.

Still staring at him, frightened, I pressed the button.

"How did you find me?" I whispered, halfway up.

"Life360. You didn't turn it off, dumb#ss."

My confusion was then gone. Makes sense.

We got to the 3rd floor. George followed me to my room, holding my hand. I didn't want to allow it. George was scary as h#ll. I was not going to disobey him right now.

"This is the room?" I nodded, frightened.

We both got in before he shut and locked the door.

He then pushed me onto the bed.


"Shh." He put his finger up to my lips. "I'm explaining."

"By---" I looked down. I was pinned to the bed. "There's nothing to explain. You cheated and you know it." I cried.

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