The Twenty First of December

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meeting santa

"Hey Mal!" Zoe called, feeding Tia in the living room. Mallory walked in and looked at her mother.

"What Mommy?" Mallory asked.

"I was thinking, you and Lily and Tia and Auntie Met and me could go to the mall and see Santa. Would you like to do that?" Zoe asked, adjusting her hold on the baby.

"With Lily?!" Mallory asked, looking shocked.

"Yeah baby girl. Why would we go without her!" Zoe explained. Mallory looked at her mother and shrugged.

"Go run and get Lily and put your shoes on while I get your sister ready." Zoe said. Mallory smiled and ran to pull her boots on. Zoe cleaned Tia up and started putting the baby into her car seat.

"Mommy we're ready!" Mallory called. Mallory and Lily stood in their boots and coats and Meredith pulled her own jacket on.

"I'm getting your sister strapped in Mal, I'll be a few minutes." Zoe called back. She watched as Tia's face screwed up before she started screeching.

"Oh noooo. No baby, no tears. It's okay!" Zoe soothed. Tia's eyes filled with tears and Zoe sighed.

"Gonna go in the car? Yeah! We're gonna go in the car!" Zoe said softly. Tia screamed and Zoe finished strapping her in, laying a blanket over her legs. Tia's screams turned into cries and Zoe groaned.

"Come on T." Zoe said softly. She pulled her boots and coat on and walked out the front door with a screaming toddler and a jumpy 6 year old.


Tia didn't stop crying the entire car ride. Zoe and Meredith were in line at the mall with Lily, Mallory and a still screaming Tia in her stroller.

"Shhh T it's okay." Zoe soothed, gently pushing the stroller back and forth.

"Can't you get her to stop Mommy?" Mallory whined. "She's too loud." Lily chimed in. Meredith pulled Lily to the side and began whispering in a hushed voice as Zoe sighed.

Zoe sighed and lifted Tia out of the stroller and began gently swinging her back and forth.

"It's okay angel baby. It's okay." Zoe soothed. Mallory took the stroller from her mother and Zoe adjusted Tia so she was looking up at her mother. There was a tap on Zoe's shoulder and Zoe spun around.

"Is your baby okay?" The woman behind her asked.

"Oh gosh she's loud, I'm sorry. I just can't get her to stop crying." Zoe said.

"Try holding her like a newborn but on her stomach and gently rub her back. She could have stomach pains and that helps relieve it. Works with my son every time ." The woman said.

"Your son?" Zoe asked.

"Yes. He's about 18 months old. He's at home with his father." The woman explained. Zoe nodded and did as the woman said and Tia slowly stopped screaming.

"Oh my god she stopped. Oh my god thank you so much." Zoe said.

"It's no problem! Your daughter is very cute. What's her name?" The lady asked.

"This is Tia, who's 18 months now and then my oldest Mallory, who's 6." Zoe said. She noticed a little blonde girl hiding behind the woman and smiled.

"What's your daughters name?" Zoe asked.

"This is Amelia. She just turned 6. And I'm Julianne." The lady said.

"Zoe." Zoe said, smiling.

"We should exchange numbers and set these girls up on a play date." Julianne said. Zoe nodded and the pair swapped numbers before Mallory got to the front of the line.

"Okay Mal, go." Zoe said, continuing to rub Tia's back. Meredith and Lily rejoined the Hansen's in line.

"Ho ho ho! What's your name?" The mall Santa asked as Mallory was put on his lap.

"Mallory!" Mallory said happily.

"And how old are you Mallory?" The Santa asked.

"I'm 5!" Mallory said.

"5?! My goodness you are a big girl. What would you like for Christmas Mallory?" The Santa asked. Mallory smiled.

"A Playmobil house, some new Playmobil characters, a new play kitchen, and a new doll." Mallory said.

"Perfect, I'll let the elves know! Have a great Christmas Mallory!" The Santa said. Mallory was taken off his lap and she ran towards Zoe.

"How was that baby?" Zoe asked, still holding Tia the way Julianne had instructed.

"Eh, it's okay. I'm just happier Tia stopped crying." Mallory said making faces at her sister.

"You and me both."

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