December 17th, 2019

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When Mallory walked downstairs the next morning there was a tall Christmas tree in the living room. She frowned and looked at Zoe.

"Mama! Did you get the tree without me?!" Mallory asked, absolutely shocked.

"Nope! Nana and Papa have an artificial tree!" Zoe explained, adjusting her grip on her coffee mug. Mallory frowned and looked at Zoe.

"What's artificial?" Mallory asked.

"It means not real." Cynthia said, walking into the kitchen. "We don't have to water the tree and when Christmas is over, it goes back into the basement."

"Why is it fake? Why not real?" Mallory asked.

"Because artificial ones are easier for Nana and Papa." Larry explained, picking Mallory up.

"Why?" Mallory asked, starting to get more and more overwhelmed.

"Because real trees are heavy and hurt Nana and Papa's backs." Larry explained. Mallory looked at her grandparents and burst into tears.

"Why is it fake!" Mallory cried. Zoe's eyes widened and she took Mallory from Larry.

"Hey baby, why are you crying?!" Zoe asked.

"It's fake! It's not Christmas without a real tree!" Mallory sobbed.

"Why are you so upset sweetheart?" Zoe asked gently, wiping Mallory's tears.

"All the real trees get cut down and they die and Nana and Papa didn't even buy one!" Mallory cried.

Evan walked downstairs with Tia in his arms.

"My goodness Miss Mal, whatever is the matter?" Evan asked.

"Mom and Dads tree is F-A-K-E." Zoe explained.

"Well Mal you don't need to cry! It's only fake because real ones don't grow in Florida!" Evan said.

"Yes they-"

"No Cynthia, they don't." Evan said, looking at Cynthia.

"They don't?" Mallory asked, looking at her father.

"No of course not. It's too hot for Christmas trees so all they have are fake ones! But I promise, it's gonna be a great Christmas." Evan said gently. Mallory nodded and sighed.

"I guess it's okay." Mallory said.

"Perfect. Now let's get you some breakfast, okay baby?" Zoe said.

"Okay Mama."

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