December Eleventh

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If there was one thing Evan wasn't expecting it was darkness.

That was not what he expected when he got home from a long day of Christmas photoshoots and whiny children.

He heard someone sigh and he turned on his phone flashlight.

"Zoe?" He called. He heard someone walking towards him and Zoe appeared in the beam of light.

"Baby what happened?" Evan asked.

"Okay don't hate me. But I blew out our power with too many Christmas lights." Zoe said. Evan sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"With more? What were you doing?" Evan asked.

"Well I wanted to put some more lights up around the house but then I plugged them in and the entire house went dark." Zoe said. Evan smiled and started to laugh.

"And you're laughing... why are you laughing?" Zoe asked.

"You blew the power because you were trying to hang more lights? That's the saddest thing I've ever heard!" Evan said.

He was laughing even harder at this point.

"Hey! Stop laughing at me!" Zoe said.

She tapped him on the chest as Evan started to pull his jacket off.

"Have you checked the fuse box?" Evan asked.

"Cute joke. You think I know how to use that?" Zoe asked. Evan laughed and pulled his boots off.

"Okay babe, lets go check the fuse box." Evan said.

"Don't we need to call an electrician?" Zoe asked, following Evan to the basement.

"No. They cost money. I'll see if I can do anything. But I want that to be the worst case scenario." Evan said. Zoe nodded as Evan grabbed his tool box and got to the fuse box.

"What happens if you can't fix it?" Zoe asked.

"Candle and a fire and flashlights will be key." Evan said. Zoe nodded and watched as Evan fiddled with the wiring and the switches. He handed the flashlight to Zoe.

"Can you hold that? And just point it - that's awesome. Thank you." Evan said. Zoe smiled as he started to fiddle with the wiring.

"Okay, so the powers completely blown our. I don't know how we're going to call the electrician though." Evan said. Zoe sighed and looked at Evan.

"I'm sorry. Baby I didn't mean to blow the power. It was an accident." Zoe said. Evan nodded.

"I know Zoe. Don't worry, this isn't your fault." Evan said, closing the box.

"So what's the plan?" Zoe asked, following Evan back upstairs.

"Well, for starters, we need to make sure that you're fine." Evan said.

"Me? Oh I'm fine." Zoe said.

"Can I take a look at your hands?" Evan asked. Zoe held out her hands and Evan shined the flashlight on them.

"Did you feel a jolt when the power went out?" Evan asked. Zoe shook her head.

"No. Baby, I'm fine." Zoe said.

"Okay but you could've gotten electrocuted. There could be electricity in your body." Evan said. Zoe sighed as Evan carefully examined her hands.

"Okay, your hands seem fine. Now lets go set up a fire and some candles, because not only is the power out, the heat will go in a bit too." Evan said, shutting the door to the basement.

Zoe sighed and followed Evan into the living room. He knelt in front of the fireplace and started to pile paper and cardboard into the fireplace before putting wood in the fireplace and grabbing a lighter. He quickly lit the paper on fire and turned around. Zoe had gotten as many candles as she could and had started lighting them.

"How's the fire?" She asked, not looking up. Evan smiled at her and stood up.

"It's good. I'll have to call the electrician in the morning." Evan said, sitting on the couch.

"The power won't turn back on it's own?" Zoe asked.

"Nope. We blew a fuse. That has to be professionally fixed." Evan said. Zoe sighed and sat beside her boyfriend on the couch. Evan wrapped an arm around her waist and she rested her head on his chest.

"I'm sorry for blowing the power." Zoe said softly.

"It's okay baby. I'm just glad there wasn't a fire and that you didn't hurt yourself." Evan said.

"I know, I'm just sorry you had to come home in the dark." Zoe said.

"I'd rather come home to no power then come home and find out that you'd been electrocuted." Evan said simply. Zoe smiled and closed her eyes, letting her mind wander.

"Why were you putting up so many more lights? The tree is done and the lights around the banister are done. Were you going for a Stranger Things vibe? Is Will Byers going to talk to you through the lights?" Evan asked. Zoe hit him on the chest and giggled softly.

"Shush. I was trying something out but the power blew." Zoe said.

"I see. Was the thing you were trying to do, contacting Will Byers in the Upside Down?" Evan asked.

"Shush you! You loved Stranger Things almost as much as I did, if not more." Zoe said laughing.

"Very untrue." Evan said.

"I was going to say look how pretty the tree looks but-"

"But someone blew the power. It's okay, you can kinda see it." Evan said.

"And you said it wasn't a big deal." Zoe said, rolling her eyes.

"It's not! Zoe I promise. I'm just being terrible." Evan said.

"That's true." Zoe said smiling.

"But you did blow the power-"

"Evan!" Zoe said.

"Relax babe, I'm only teasing. It's not your fault that you went all Joyce Byers and tried talking to your missing son through the lights." Evan joked.

"You won't let me live this down will you?"

"Nope! Because now I have another story to tell Connor when we pick him up." Evan said happily

"Oh my god."

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