The Twenty Fourth of December

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christmas eve

Mallory wouldn't sit still.

"Mommy I'm bored." Mallory whined. Zoe looked at her and picked her up. Evan held a fussy Tia in his arms, trying to keep the soother in Tia's mouth.

"Church will be done soon. Then we can go home and get into jammies." Zoe said. Mallory groaned.

"But I'm really bored!" Mallory whined.

"Look how well behaved Lily is. Can we be nice and quiet like Lily?" Zoe asked. Mallory nodded slumped back into her seat. 5 minutes went by and Mallory was tugging Zoe's dress again.

"Mommy how much longer?" Mallory whined.

"I don't know. Let's sit nice and quietly though." Zoe said. Mallory rested her head on Zoe's lap and Zoe smiled, running her fingers through Mallory's hair.

Tia screeched loudly and began screaming. Zoe looked at Evan who was frantically trying to get the soother to stay in Tia's mouth. Zoe reaches for the baby and Evan handed Tia to Zoe who gently started bouncing the baby.

"Shh it's okay! We have to be quiet." Zoe soothed. Tia continued to scream and Zoe got up and walked down the aisle with Mallory looking after her.

"Why does Tia get to leave?" Mallory pouted.

"Because Tia is still little and doesn't know any better. She's not good at sitting through Christmas mass like you." Evan whispered, pulling Mallory closer to him. Mallory sighed and rested her head on Evan's arm as mass continued.


"Okay! Dinner is ready to go!" Zoe said happily. There were several boxes of Chinese takeout and Mallory sat at the table sadly.

"What's wrong Princess?" Heidi asked.

"I'm so hungry!" Mallory whined.

"I know. Look, I bet Mommy is getting you supper right now!" Heidi said. Zoe put a plate in front of Mallory and kissed her on the forehead.

"There you go sweet girl. Eat up." Zoe said smiling. Mallory smiled and instantly started eating.

"There we go. Get some nice yummy food into your tummy." Heidi said. Zoe picked Mallory's plate up and set it on the table. Mallory followed and sat beside Cynthia. Mallory reached for her cup and rested her head on Cynthia's arm.

"Nana! Guess who's coming tonight!" Mallory said.

"Who?" Cynthia asked.

"Santa! He's gonna bring presents!" Mallory said excitedly. Cynthia smiled and hugged Mallory.

"That's right! He is coming!" Cynthia said. Mallory smiled and continued eating. Tia yawned and Evan smiled.

"I'm gonna go put her to bed and then I'll come grab dinner." He said. He kissed Zoe quickly before taking the small baby upstairs to bed.


"But Mommy, I'm not tired!" Mallory whined.

"Santa won't come if you don't sleep." Zoe said, tucking Mallory in.

"Daddy! Do you think Santa will be here soon?" Mallory asked.

"Well my love, it depends on how quickly you get to sleep. The faster you sleep, the sooner Santa will be here." Evan said. Zoe and Evan both kissed Mallory and smiled.

"Goodnight baby girl." Zoe said.

"Goodnight lovebug." Evan whispered.

"Night Mommy. Night Daddy."

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