December First

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Zoe opened her eyes and shivered. She looked at her clock and sighed. It was 9:00 and Evan was already out of bed.

Ever since her and Evan had bought the house that they shared, she realized that he got up really early. A lot earlier then Zoe.

She sighed rolled over before realizing she wasn't going to fall asleep again. She groaned and sat up. She pulled the blankets back and put her foot on the floor. She stood up and pulled on one of Evan's hoodies. As soon as she stepped off the rug she jumped.

"Jesus!" She said.

The floor was absolutely freezing. She pulled her slippers on and walked downstairs where she saw Evan sitting at the table with his phone and a cup of coffee. She yawned and reached for her coffee mug.

"Good morning." Evan said. Zoe sighed loudly in response.

"You're up early." Evan said.

"It's cold in our bedroom." Zoe said.

"It's not. It was so warm last night." Evan said. Zoe scoffed and looked out the window.

"Evan! It's snowing!" She said excitedly.

She put her empty mug on the counter and ran over to the window. She smiled and looked out at the white powder falling from the sky.

"Evan look at it!" Zoe gasped. She turned back to Evan and ran towards the front door. She skidded to a stop and started pulling her Converse on. She slid the patio door open and ran onto the front porch. She looked up and started laughing

"Zo, have you ever seen snow before?" Evan asked with a smile. Zoe turned around and looked at him. Her hair was full of snowflakes.

"Of course I have!" Zoe said happily. She smiled at Evan who laughed. Her cheeks and nose were pink from the cold but her smile was absolutely radiant.

"Then why are you so excited?" Evan said and Zoe shrugged.

"Snow is my favourite thing ever and it's so Christmasy and I absolutely love Christmas! Remember last Christmas?" Zoe asked.

"Yeah. It was just you and me and it was the best Christmas ever." Evan said smiling. Zoe smiled and shivered. Evan walked towards her and wrapped her in his arms.

"Come on Zo. Let's get you inside." Evan said.

"But Evan-"

"No Zoe. You'll freeze out here. I'll tell you what, we get you something to eat, and then we can go for a nice long walk through the snow." Evan offered. Zoe squealed happily and ran inside. She kicked her shoes off and sat at the table. Evan looked at her and smiled.

"Okay babe, we need to go grocery shopping and get more food because all we have is bread." Evan said.

"Okay. We can walk to the grocery store!" Zoe said.

"Babe, the grocery store is a twenty minute drive, and that's if traffic is good. We are not walking to the grocery store." Evan said. Zoe pouted and sighed as Evan put some bread in the toaster.

"Evan, we can buy the Christmas Pillsbury cookies!" Zoe yelled.

"What?" Evan asked.

"You said we weren't buying Christmas cookies until December first! Well it's December first!" Zoe said happily. Evan laughed and nodded.

"Okay Zo. We'll buy those if you want." Evan said.

"I'm going to get ready while the toast toasts!" Zoe said.

She jumped up and ran upstairs. Evan chuckled under his breath as the toast popped up. He put what Zoe liked on hers and put the piece of bread on a plate.

Zoe came running down the steps a few minutes later in a baby pink sweater and a pair of jeans. A piece of her hair was pinned back and she had a big smile on her face.

"Okay so are we going for a walk or to the grocery store first?" Zoe asked.

"Let's go to the grocery store first and then we can come back and bundle you up before going for a walk." Evan said.

Zoe nodded and pulled her boots out of the closet. She pulled them on and Evan grabbed her coat. She pulled it on and smiled. Evan pulled his boots and coat on and grabbed his keys. Zoe grabbed her purse and Evan's hand. Evan opened the door and the pair walked out towards their car.


"Okay Zo, I think you're ready to brave the cold." Evan declared as he kissed her nose and pulled her scarf over her nose.

"Evan, isn't this a little extreme?" Zoe asked.

"Better to be too warm then too cold." Evan said, pulling his scarf over his own nose. Zoe took his hand and dragged him outside. Evan locked the front door and the pair of them looked around the neighbourhood.

"Look Evan!" Zoe said pointing to the tree across the street. There were icicles on the branches and snow was piled around the trunk.

Evan smiled at her and watched as she pointed around their snow covered neighbourhood. She suddenly dropped his hand and ran ahead. She was in front of the playground and she was staring at it.

"It's completely covered in snow." Zoe breathed. Evan nodded.

"Do you think the snow will go away soon?" Zoe asked.

"It depends. But I hope it stays for a little while. It would be nice to have a white Christmas." Evan said. Zoe smiled and leaned her head against Evan's arm.

"Are you getting cold baby?" Evan asked. Zoe nodded and Evan smiled at her.

"Okay then, lets get you home and warmed up." Evan said. Zoe took his hand again and the pair of them walked back through the snow.

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