December 14th, 2019

41 6 1

Zoe hated flying. And flying with a five year old and four month old was no exception.

Mallory had insisted on the window seat, leaving Evan in the middle and Zoe and Tia on the aisle.

"Here Mal, chew gum." Evan said, handing Mallory a piece of gum as the plane taxied. Zoe put Tia's pacifier in her mouth.

"Why?" Mallory asked, putting it in her mouth as the plane got faster. Zoe clutched Evan's hand as the plane rose into the air.

"You're okay Zo. You're doing so well." Evan soothed gently, rubbing circles on the back of her hand. Zoe took a deep breath and gently bounced Tia in her lap.

"It's okay. Baby you can do this." Evan said calmly.

Zoe closed her eyes as she tried to keep herself and Tia calm. A screaming baby would only make this whole thing worse.


After hours of being on a bumpy plane with an upset infant and an irritated five year old, Zoe stepped off, pulling the diaper bag onto her shoulder. Mallory crowned as she walked off the plane.

"Okay Mal. Welcome Florida!" Evan said happily. Mallory followed both her parents across the tarmac before she heard a gasp.

Standing several feet away was Zoe's parents.

"Nana! Papa!" Mallory yelled before running towards them. Cynthia hugged Mallory tightly and hugged Zoe and Evan equally as tight.

"Perfect! We're so happy you're all here!" Larry said happily.

"Now let's go get your bags and get you to the house!" Cynthia said. The group walked to the baggage carousel and Evan smiled.

"You did it." He whispered. Zoe smiled.

"I did it."

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