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"Mallory it's bath time!" Zoe called.

"But Mommy it's not dark!" Mallory said.

"I know sweetheart, but remember, today we're getting pictures taken!" Zoe said. Mallory groaned.

"But Mommy I don't wannaaaaa!" She whined. Zoe sighed.

"There really isn't much option honey, we have to be at Daddy's studio by 3. We're going to take some really nice pictures for Christmas, and give them to Nana, Papa, Grandma, and Uncle Connor and Auntie Meredith. So we need to get you in the bath now." Zoe said.

"No Mommy! I'm not going!" Mallory said.

"Mallory, I'm not asking." Zoe warmed.

"No Mommy! I don't want to go get my picture taken! I don't wanna put on a dumb dress and go to Daddy's stupid work!" Mallory yelled. Zoe looked at her.

"Mallory Cecilia Hansen I am going to give you 5 minutes to collect yourself. In 5 minutes I am going to come and get you and you are going to have a very quick bath before I put you in your dress." Zoe said. Mallory glared at her mother and stomped upstairs. Zoe sighed and Evan walked into the front door.

"Hey baby! Where's Mal?" Evan asked.

"Sulking in her room. She refuses to get in the bath. She needs to be clean for the photo!" Zoe said. Evan walked over to her and kissed her forehead.

"I will go get her in the bath. You, can go get ready." Evan said. Zoe smiled and hugged Evan.

"I love you." She said. Evan smiled and kissed her.

"I know. I love you too." Evan said. Zoe kissed him again until Evan pulled away gently.

"Baby, you gotta let me go." He said jokingly.

"Okay. You may go get our daughter ready." Zoe said, letting go of Evan. He smiled and the pair walked upstairs.

Evan walked into Mallory's room and saw her pouting on her bed.

"Hey Princess! Why the long face?" Evan asked.

"I don't want to take pictures." Mallory said.

"Well, you know what they have?" Evan asked. Mallory shook her head.

"My friend Alexia, who's taking our photos, always has lollipops for the kids and, if you're well behaved, we can go get a treat after okay?" Evan asked. Mallory smiled and nodded.

"Okay!" She said.

"So bath time?" Evan asked. Mallory nodded and followed her father into the bathroom.


"Evan! And Zoe! And this must be Miss Mallory!" Alexia said. Mallory buried her face into Zoe's shoulder and Zoe smiled.

"Hi Alexia, sorry, Mallory is a little bit shy." Zoe said. Alexia smiled.

"That's okay! A lot of kids who come through here are shy at first, but once they meet my duck, they aren't shy anymore. Mallory, do you want to meet my duck?" Alexia asked. Zoe smiled and rubbed Mallory's band.

"Want to meet Alexia's duck, sweetheart?" Zoe asked. Mallory nodded and Alexia smiled.

"Well perfect! C'mon! Let's go!" Alexia said.

The trio followed Alexia into the studio and Alexia pointed to the small rubber duck on top of her camera.

"So this is my duck. And he thinks he's sneaky. So he tries to move sometimes. So I have the people in my studio watch him when I'm taking the pictures. Can you do that while we take your picture?" Alexia asked. Mallory nodded and Alexia smiled.

"Perfect! Let's start with a big group photo!"


"Okay well done Mallory! Okay, looking at the duck! Okay big smile! Okay! Alrighty last one! Look right at the duck and smile! Perfect! And we're all done!" Alexia said. Zoe picked Mallory up and smiled.

"Thank you! This means so much!" Zoe said.

"It's my pleasure! I can talk to Evan tomorrow about the prints and he can decide with you what you want." Alexia said. Zoe nodded and Evan smiled.

"Thanks Lex. I'll see you tomorrow!" Evan said. He led Zoe and Mallory out of the studio to the front desk where they quickly paid before leaving.

"Okay Mal, what do you want for your treat?" Evan asked.

"I don't know! I'm gonna think about it!" Mallory said. Zoe and Evan laughed and they got into the car and started driving home.

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