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"Okay, here we are!" Zoe said. Mallory looked out her window and groaned.

"But Mommy, I hate the mall!" She whined. Zoe smiled and Evan laughed.

"Well Princess, we're buying Christmas presents!" Zoe said.

"So what?" Mallory asked.

"So, if we don't buy presents, then Daddy and Mommy don't get presents! So I'm going to take you, to get something for Daddy, and Daddy is going to pick a few things up." Zoe said.

"Things for who?" Mallory asked.

"For Mommy, and Uncle Connor, and Auntie Meredith, and Lily, and Nana, and Papa, and Grandma. Daddy has a big list of people to get through." Zoe said. Evan smiled.

"The key is, to get a big present for Connor and Mer, and then presents for our parents and something big for you." Evan whispered. Zoe smiled and the pair got out of the car. Zoe unbuckled Mallory and swung her up into her arms.

"Okay Mal, lets go get Daddy his Christmas present." Zoe said.


Okay, so which one are we buying Daddy? We can pick one." Zoe asked, looking at the three record players in front of her. Mallory pointed to the one in the middle and Zoe smiled.

"Good choice Mal. And we can get him 3 records." Zoe said. Mallory smiled and Zoe picked 3 of Evan's favourite bands.

"Does this look good Mal?" Zoe asked. Mallory nodded and gasped.

"Mommy! Santa is here!" Mallory yelled. Zoe knelt beside her and smiled.

"He is. But there's a really long line, so I think we'll come back another day. What do you think Mallory?" Zoe asked. Mallory nodded and Zoe stood up.

"Come on love bug, lets go pay and then find Daddy." Zoe said.

"Mommy, can we get frozen yogurt?" Mallory asked. Zoe smiled and walked towards the counter with Mallory on her heels.

"Sure we can baby. Frozen yogurt sounds yummy. We'll pay, find Daddy, and then we can all get frozen yogurt." Zoe said. Mallory smiled, clapping her hands together.

"Yay!" She said happily. Zoe smiled and paid for Evan's present.


"Mallory! Look! It's Daddy!" Zoe said. Mallory smiled and took off running towards her father.

"Daddy!" She shouted.

"Hi sunflower!" Evan said. He hugged Mallory and kissed Zoe.

"How'd you guys do?" He asked. Zoe smiled.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" She asked.

"Yes. I would like to know." Evan said.

"How did you do?" Zoe asked. Evan smiled.

"Really well! We have presents for Connor, Mer, and Lily, your parents, and my mom. Now I just need presents for my two favourite girls." Evan said. Zoe smiled.

"Someone had a productive day." Zoe said smiling. Mallory sighed and grabbed her father's hand.

"We were going to get fro yo honey, you want some baby?" Zoe asked Evan. Evan nodded.

"Lets go get some fro yo!" Evan cheered happily. Zoe and Mallory smiled and followed Evan towards the frozen yogurt place. 

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