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"Mommy! Mommy, Daddy! Wake up! It's snowing!"

Zoe groaned and rolled over into Evan's arms.

"Your daughter is awake." She said softly.

"She's your daughter too." Evan said just as softly.

"Before sunrise, she's your daughter." Zoe said. Evan groaned and got out of bed.

"Daddy, where's Mommy! She needs to see the snow!"

"We're going to let Mommy sleep for a little bit, okay Mallory?" Evan said.

"Okay Daddy, now come on! Let's go see the snow!" Mallory yelled.

"Okay, I'm going to grab my sweater." Evan said. Zoe felt someone on top of her and she smiled.

"Mommy! Daddy says we're going to let you sleep! But you should come see the snow when you wake up!" Mallory said. Zoe smiled and rolled over.

"Looks like I'm awake, huh honey bee?" Zoe said. Mallory smiled and wrapped her small arms around Zoe's neck.

"Okay, okay! I'm up love bug! Now let's make some breakfast and then we can go and play!" Zoe said. Evan smiled and picked Mallory up, spinning her around.

"I think that Mommy should make French toast? What do you think Mal?" Evan asked.

"Yes! Mommy should make French toast!" Mallory cheered. Zoe smiled and got out of bed. She looked at the clock and sighed.

"Oh my goodness Miss Mal. This is the third morning we're up before 7. We need to get you to start sleeping in." Zoe said. Evan shrugged and handed Mallory to her mother.

"You know that it's very difficult to get a 4 year old to sleep in." Evan said. Zoe yawned and nodded.

"Okay sweet girl, let's get some breakfast!" Zoe said happily. Mallory smiled and squirmed around in her mothers arms.

"Mommy! Mommy put me down! I wanna go see more snow!" Mallory said. Zoe laughed and put Mallory down. Mallory instantly went running down the hall and Evan kissed Zoe.

"Good morning." He whispered. Zoe smiled.

"Good morning." Zoe whispered back. She kissed him and smiled.

"Mommy! Daddy! Come look!" Mallory yelled. Zoe sighed and grabbed Evan's hand, dragging him downstairs. Zoe smiled and saw Mallory with her hands pressed against the sliding door.

"Come on Mal, breakfast then play in the snow." Evan said, scooping Mallory up. She screamed happily and Zoe started making French toast.

"Alright Princess, how about Daddy takes you to get dressed and then we can have breakfast." Zoe said. Mallory nodded.

"Okay pumpkin, lets get you dressed!" Evan said. Zoe smiled and watched as the pair went back upstairs.


"Mommy! Daddy! Look!" Mallory shouted. Zoe smiled and leaned on the railing of the porch. Evan kissed her on the cheek and Mallory threw a clump of snow at her parents and laughed, falling back into the snow. Zoe smiled to herself and Evan laughed.

"It's too bad she isn't having any fun!" Evan said. Zoe smiled bigger and watched as Mallory made snow angel after snow angel.

"Hey Mal! Are you having fun?" Zoe asked. Mallory nodded.

"Yes Mommy! I love the snow!" Mallory cheered. Zoe smiled.

"That makes me so happy Princess! Now you can play for a little longer, then we're going to go in and get some hot chocolate, okay?" Zoe called. Mallory nodded and started piling snow.

"Okay Mommy!" She said. She continued to pile snow. After a few minutes, Mallory stood and walked to Zoe and Evan, hugging them both.

"I hope it stays snowy forever." Mallory said. Evan and Zoe laughed.

"I know Princess. Now, how about some hot chocolate?" Zoe asked. Mallory nodded and jumped up, running into the house with her parents behind her.

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