December Twelfth

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"Thanks again! Okay, bye." Zoe said shutting the door.

The electrician had come early that morning and had chuckled when Evan told him what happened. But he had assured Zoe that it was more common then people might think. Evan had still laughed at her when the electrician let out a low whistle after opening the fuse box.

"Someone who doesn't know what they're doing has been fiddling with the wires." The electrician had said. Evan had turned pink and Zoe had laughed.

"I might've blown the power but at least I didn't screw up the fuse box!" Zoe had said happily.

The electrician had just left and Zoe had a huge smile on her face. Not only was the power back, but Evan hadn't helped the situation as much as he had thought.

"Baby! What are we doing today?" Zoe asked.

"We should wrap the presents we have. All the stuff we ordered is here. We just need your dads present from me and Connor's present." Evan said. Zoe smiled and Evan looked at her.

"Oh my god what?" He asked.

"I have so much Christmas wrapping paper! And bows, and labels and ribbons!" Zoe said excitedly.

"Go get it." Evan said smiling. Zoe smiled and ran down to the basement. She came back upstairs with her wrapping paper bin in her hand. she set it down in the living room and walked upstairs.

"Where are you going?" Evan asked.

"Well it's going to be hard to wrap presents if they're all upstairs, now isn't it?" Zoe said. Evan shrugged and followed her upstairs and into the room where all the presents were being stored. She grabbed as many as she could carry and walked back to the living room, with Evan trailing behind her.

"Okay, so lets figure out who gets which wrapping paper and then we can wrap." Zoe said.

"We didn't get Meredith a present." Evan said.

"We'll get it when we get Connor's. Don't worry babe. Live in the now." Zoe said laughing. She grabbed the scissors and the scotch tape and tipped the rubbermaid on it's side.

"Okay, so who's getting what?" Zoe asked.

"We already got their presents." Evan said. He had a confused look on her face and Zoe giggled.

"I mean who's getting which wrapping paper." Zoe said. She pulled out multiple rolls of wrapping paper out of the bin and looked at it.

"Okay, so your mom can have the blue silver snowflakes, Jared and 'Lonnie can have the reindeer one, my parents can have the candy cane stripe, and Connor and Mer can have the snowman one." Zoe said.

"You've really thought this out." Evan said laughing.

"And then we need colour coordinating ribbons and bows." Zoe said.

"God you've gone Christmas crazy." Evan said.

"Okay. Can you wrap presents?" Zoe said.

"Of course I can. Who do you think I am? Who do you think wrapped presents for my mom when I was a kid? I did. Because no one else was around to do it for me." Evan said.

"Okay. Can you start on Jared's present? I'm running to grab some water." Zoe said, standing up.

"Okay babe." Evan said, pulling the reindeer wrapping paper and Jared's present towards him.

Zoe walked into the other room and grabbed a glass out of the cupboard. She walked over to the fridge and filled her glass up. She walked back into the living room and gasped.

In Evan's lap sat Jared's present. The wrapping was messy and there was more tape then actual wrapping paper on the present.

"Evan! I thought you said you could wrap presents!" Zoe said. Evan looked at her.

"I never said I could do it well!" Evan said. Zoe sighed and looked at the mess of a present in her boyfriends lap.

"Does this mean I'm wrapping everything?" Zoe asked, giggling. Evan shrugged.

"It's okay, I like wrapping presents." Zoe said.

She sat down beside Evan and pulled her present for her mother into her lap. She quickly wrapped the present and smiled. She tied a ribbon around the box and put a blue shiny bow on the top left hand corner.

"Okay, because I'm wrapping them, you can start writing the labels." Zoe said. Evan grabbed a pen and the roll of labels and started writing.

"Why are we sitting in silence?" Zoe asked. She grabbed her laptop and started playing Christmas music. Evan chuckled and Zoe looked at him.

"What?" She asked, smiling.

"I've never seen someone so excited about Christmas." Evan said. Zoe smiled and put a bow on the present she'd gotten for Evan's mother.

"You should've seen me when I was little. Christmas is my favourite holiday." Zoe said smiling.

"I can tell." Evan said. Zoe gently tapped him gently with her foot before putting another piece of scotch tape onto the present.

"Can you take your attempt of wrapping a present off of what we got for Jared? So I can properly wrap it?" Zoe asked, smiling to herself.

"Yeah for sure." Evan said smiling. He ripped off the paper and the tape and crumpled it into a ball. Zoe smiled and looked at him.

"It was a solid attempt babe." Zoe assured him. Evan tapped her gently with his foot and smiled.

"Okay Jose. Whatever you say." Evan said. Zoe laughed.

"Okay Jose? Like when we first met?" Zoe asked.

"Yeah. Like when we first met." Evan said.

"And you were so nervous you could barely say 4 words to me." Zoe said smiling. Evan smiled and kissed her on the cheek.

"Shut up and wrap your presents Murphy."

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