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"Mommy! Tree decorating!" Mallory yelled as Zoe walked into the house. Zoe smiled and knelt down in front of her daughter.

"Hey honey, how was your day?" Zoe asked. Mallory smiled.

"It was good!" Mallory said happily. Zoe put her purse down and hung her coat up. She pulled her boots off and looked around.

"Mallory, where's Daddy?" Zoe asked.

"Kitchen!" Evan called. Zoe picked up Mallory and carried her into the kitchen.

"Ooh, what is Daddy making?" Zoe asked. Mallory smiled.

"Daddy's making dinner!" Mallory cheered.

"What's he making?" Zoe asked. Mallory looked at Evan who smiled.

"Pasketti!" Mallory cheered. Zoe smiled and spun her daughter around.

"Yeah! Daddy's making spaghetti for dinner tonight, isn't he?" Zoe asked. Mallory started squirming and Zoe set her down and turned to Evan.

"Hey you." Zoe said softly.

"Hi. How was your day?" Evan asked.

"Long and boring. So do you think Mallory is going to be upset when we tell her the tree can't be decorated tonight?" Zoe asked.

"She's going to be upset. She wanted to do this tonight." Evan said.

"I know but the branches haven't fallen so it's not ready. Tonight we'll go get some new ornaments though." Zoe said. Evan nodded and continued to make dinner.


"Okay Mal, you can pick an ornament if you want." Zoe said, holding Evan's hand. Mallory frowned and started walking around.

"I wanted to decorate." Mallory pouted.

"I know baby girl but the tree isn't ready and we need to get new ornaments!" Zoe said. Mallory sighed and walked up and down the aisles with her parents on her heels.

"This one." Mallory said, pointing to an ornament with Elsa on it. Zoe smiled.

"Good choice! Try pressing the button and see if she sings." Zoe said. Mallory pressed the button and Let It Go played out of  the small speaker.

"You picked a good one! Come on sweetheart, let go pay and then go home." Zoe said. Mallory nodded and grabbed the boxed ornament before skipping down the aisle, humming Let It Go.

"Look at our girl." Evan said happily. Zoe smiled.

"She's perfect." Zoe said smiling

I'm so sorry for the short / kinda lame chapter

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