December Second

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"Evan! Evan wake up! Evan the snow is still here!" Zoe said. Evan looked at the clock.

"Zoe. It's 7:30. Since when are you up before 9:30?" Evan asked, still half asleep. Zoe sat beside him and sighed.

"There's more snow outside! It must have snowed overnight because there is so much snow! Evan there is snow everywhere!" Zoe said excitedly. Evan groaned and buried his face in his pillow.

"Come on! We have to go outside!" Zoe said happily.

"I was sleeping. I was warm and asleep." Evan said. Zoe sighed.

"Please Evan!" Zoe begged. Evan groaned.

"Okay I'll make you a deal. I'll get up and go outside with you if you make me breakfast." Evan said, rolling over to face her. Zoe smiled and kissed him.

"Oh my goodness I love you!" Zoe said happily.

She jumped up and Evan watched her run out of the room. He sat up and rubbed his eyes. Zoe wasn't a morning person and it was weird to see her awake before 9:30. He slowly got out of bed and Zoe ran back into the room. She kissed him and smiled.

"Good morning." She whispered. Evan smiled.

"Good morning. I've never seen you this energetic before ten am and without coffee." Evan said. Zoe shrugged.

"There's snow outside and Pillsbury Christmas cookies in the freezer and they've started playing Christmas music on the radio! How could someone not be happy!" Zoe said happily. Evan smiled.

"What's for breakfast?" Evan asked.

"I'm making waffles!" Zoe said happily. Evan smiled and looked at her.

"Perfect. Would you like me to join you in the kitchen?" Evan asked.

"Yes please!" Zoe said. Evan smiled, took her hand, and lead her downstairs.


"Okay. Breakfast has been eaten and cleaned up." Zoe said, putting the last plate in the dishwasher and closing the door. Evan smiled and stood up from the island.

"That was delicious Zoe." Evan said with a smile. Zoe looked at him and smiled.

"We can go outside now, right?" Zoe asked excitedly. Evan nodded

"Yes Zo, we can go outside." Evan said smiling. Zoe smiled.

"Yay! I'm going to get dressed!" Zoe said.

She went to run upstairs and Evan caught her wrist. She bumped into his chest and Evan smiled. He kissed her and she smiled.

"I love you." Evan whispered. Zoe smiled and kissed him.

"I love you too." She said. Evan smiled and Zoe bit her lip.

"Go get dressed. Then we'll bundle you up and we can go outside." Evan said. Zoe smiled and with of flip of her hair, she was running upstairs.

Evan smiled and followed her upstairs to get dressed.


"Come on Evan!" Zoe said excitedly.

Evan smiled and pulled his hat over his head and followed Zoe out into their backyard. She laid back in the snow and started giggling. Evan smiled and sat beside her. He started packing snow in his hand and he smiled and stood up.

"Hey Zo," Evan started. He started slowly backing away and Zoe sat up.

"Yeah Evan?" Zoe said. Evan threw the snowball and it hit Zoe in the face. She gasped and started laughing as she wiped snow out of her face.

"Evan!" She screamed. She laughed and stood up, packing snow into her hands

"I am going to get you!" She said.

Zoe ran after him and jumped onto his back. The two of them fell over and Zoe smiled, shoving the snowball down the back of his coat. Evan yelled and rolled over, knocking Zoe off his back. Zoe laughed as she watched Evan struggle to get the snow out from inside his coat. Evan smiled at her and Zoe laughed as he picked up more snow and launched it into her face. Zoe gasped and started wiping snow out of her eyes. She smiled and stood up. Evan smiled at her and she picked up a pile of snow.

"Okay, so you can either surrender, or I can shove more snow down your back." Zoe said.

"Oh? So I'm the one who needs to surrender?" Evan asked.

"Uh huh. Unless you want more snow down the back of your coat." Zoe said

"Okay Princess. I surrender!" Evan declared.

"Yes! I am the Snowball Champion!" Zoe yelled. Evan smiled and she hugged him. He picked her up and spun her around and she threw her head back laughing.

"Okay Snowball Champion. How about we get you inside and warm you up?" Evan asked. Zoe smiled and nodded.

"One more thing before we go in..." Evan trailed off and Zoe backed up a step.

"What?" She asked. Evan opened the back of her coat and shoved a handful of snow down her back. Zoe screamed and started to laugh, struggling to get the snow out from inside her jacket.

"Evan!" She screamed.

"Who's the Snowball Champion now!" Evan yelled. He laid back in the snow and cheered. Zoe laughed and stood beside him.

"Well, Mr Champion. I know for a fact, that there's hot chocolate mix and marshmallows and Pillsbury cookies in the freezer. How about, we go inside and I make some hot chocolate and the cookies and we can celebrate your victory." Zoe offered. Evan sat up and smiled.

"Okay. But for the rest of the day you have to call me Your Majesty for the rest of the day." Evan said. Zoe smiled and looked up at the sky.

"Absolutely, Your Majesty." Zoe smiled. Evan stood up and took Zoe's hand. Zoe smiled and shoved a handful of snow in his face before giggling and running off towards the house.

"Catch me if you can!" She shouted before running back inside the house.

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