December Twenty-Fifth

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Evan had always struggled with words.

Conveying his thoughts into words was not his strong point.

But he knew he couldn't mess up his words this time.


"And I think there's one more." Cynthia said.

Zoe smiled and looked at her new slippers. They still had the tags on but they were keeping her feet warm and that was fine.

"For who?" Connor asked.

"Zoe." Cynthia said, pulling the large box out from under the tree.

She handed it to Zoe who opened it. She looked at the cardboard box with a confused look.

"Open it Zoe." Connor said. Larry looked at Evan who smiled.

"I'm so confused." Zoe muttered.

So she continued. Opening wrapping paper then box then wrapping paper then box until the box fit in her palm. She opened the box and looked at her mother and father.

"Oh my god." She whispered. She stood up to show her mother the ring and turned around to face Evan.

Who was down on one knee smiling.

"Evan... what are you..."

"Zoe Murphy. To say that I love you would be an understatement. I'm absolutely crazy about you. You're kind and you're smart and you're beautiful and you're generous and you're loving and I could go on and on but I'm not going to. You are the most radiant person I know. You're fun and you're exciting and being around you is a roller coaster because I never know what I can expect from you. But that's what I love about you. You're unpredictable. You're unpredictable and I love you. More than words can properly express. Since the first time I saw you, I have loved you more than you could possibly know. You constantly amaze me and I love you. Zoe Murphy, will you marry me?" Evan asked.

Zoe gasped and felt tears well up in her eyes.

"Of course I will." She said softly. Evan stood up and wrapped her in a hug, kissing her gently. He took the ring out of the box and slid it onto her ring finger.

"Hey Mom!" Zoe said, turning to face her mother.

"Yes sweetheart?" Cynthia asked, wiping tears off her face.

"I'm getting married!" Zoe said excitedly. Cynthia laughed tearfully and hugged her daughter.

"Congratulations sweetheart." Cynthia said. Zoe turned to her father and smiled.

"I'm getting married Dad." She said softly. Larry smiled and hugged her.

"I know pumpkin. Congratulations honey." Larry said. Zoe turned to Heidi who beamed.

"Now I have a daughter too." Heidi said. Zoe smiled and tears fell down her cheeks.

"Congratulations you two." Heidi said.

"Zoe congratulations!" Meredith said. Connor hugged Zoe and she smiled.

"I'm proud of you baby sister. You found a guy who wants to spend forever with you." Connor said. Zoe smiled and whacked Connor's chest before turning to face her fiancée. She hugged Evan who smiled.

"I love you too." Zoe said.

"What?" Evan asked.

"In the proposal. You said 'I love you' about 5 times. I love you too." Zoe said.

Evan smiled and kissed her. Zoe smiled and looked at her family and then back at her fiancée. She couldn't have asked for a better Christmas.

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