December Sixth

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"Okay babe! I've got to get to work!" Zoe yelled.

She adjusted her skirt and heard Evan running down the steps as she grabbed her purse. He ran over to her and kissed her.

"I love you. What time are you done?" Evan asked.

"I get off at 5:30." Zoe said. Evan smiled.

"Perfect. I'll have dinner ready when you get home." He said. Zoe smiled and kissed him.

"That sounds perfect. Okay, I'll see you tonight! I love you!" Zoe said.

She opened the door and stopped. The bottom half of the screen door was covered in snow. She tried pushing it open but the door didn't move. She looked at her car and gasped.

"Oh my god!" She said.

Her car was completely buried in snow. She groaned and pulled her phone out, dialling her boss's number.

"Hi Chantelle it's Zoe. I'm great how are you? That's wonderful. Listen, my car is completely buried in snow and there's no way I'll be able to dig it out. Uh huh. Yeah. Okay thank you so so much! I'll see if it gets any better so that I can come in tomorrow. Oh really! Okay. Amazing! Thank you so much! Bye." Zoe said.

She hung up and pulled her coat and boots off. She ran upstairs in her tights and jumped on the bed.

"I'm not going to work." Zoe whispered, curling into his side.

"Oh?" Evan asked.

"Cars buried. Completely snowed in." Zoe breathed. Evan smiled and buried his face in the crook of her neck and took a deep breath.

"You smell nice." Evan mumbled. Zoe laughed softly.

"Well I thought I was working today so I showered and I have perfume on and I did my hair and my makeup and I woke up early to go to work and now I don't have to go. I get to spend my day with you." Zoe said.

"We are going to stay in bed all day." Evan said. Zoe smiled and kissed the top of his head.

"Let me change first?" Zoe asked. Evan nodded and Zoe crawled off the bed and ran into her closet. Evan heard her humming and he smiled.

"Babe!" He heard Zoe yell.

"Yeah?" Evan yelled back.

"Where's my music note shirt?" Zoe yelled.

"Which one?" Evan asked, getting up and walking towards her closet.

"The 'Here Comes Treble' one!" Zoe shouted.

"Check the laundry room." Evan said.

He poked his head into her closet and she sighed. She hung up the skirt she had been wearing and folded her tights. She had changed into a pair of Pink leggings and a sports bra and Evan smiled. Zoe walked out of her closet and out of the room. Evan chuckled to himself and sat back on the bed. Zoe ran back into the room and jumped on the bed. Evan laughed as the bed shook and Zoe crawled into Evan's arms.

"I'm happy you aren't working." Evan said.

"Me too." Zoe whispered.

"We should make breakfast because I know you didn't eat this morning." Evan said. Zoe looked up at Evan and started to protest.

"I had breakfast, you don't even know what day of the week it is." Zoe protested.

"It is Wednesday December sixth at 8:57 am. Zoe, have you eaten?" Evan asked. Zoe sighed and rolled over so that her face was buried in Evan's chest.

"No. I haven't eaten. I was going to grab something to eat on my way to work." Zoe muttered.

"Okay then, lets get some food into my baby then!" Evan said as he sat up. Zoe grabbed his sleeve and pulled him back down.

"No. I'm okay Evan, I just want to lie here, with you." Zoe said, wrapping one of Evan's arms around her body.

"Zoe. I know you. You get irritable and snippy when you're hungry. So how about this, you can stay here and I'll put on a Christmas movie of your choice and I'll make you French toast. Just the way you like it." Evan said in a soft voice.

"But I want you to stay with me." Zoe whined.

"Come on baby. Please?" Evan asked.

Zoe sighed and rolled away, so he could get up. Evan smiled and leaned over her, pressing kisses on her neck and her jaw. Zoe giggled and rolled onto her back.

"What movie am I putting on?" Evan mumbled in between kisses.

"Home Alone." Zoe said through giggles. Evan kissed her on the cheek and got up, walking towards the TV and their movie collection.

"Home Alone it is." Evan said, turning on the TV and the DVD player. He put the movie on and walked back over. He kissed her cheek three times and she smiled.

"I will be back with French toast." Zoe smiled as Evan kissed her.


"Alright my darling. I have French toast with fruit and whipped cream and powdered sugar, just the way you like it." Evan said, walking into the room with a breakfast tray in his hands. Zoe sat up and beamed at him.

"You are phenomenal." Zoe said. Evan set it down in front of her and kissed her forehead.

"How's your movie?" Evan asked, curling up beside her and taking a strawberry off her plate and putting it in his mouth.

"It's good, are you not eating?" Zoe asked looking at him.

"I ate baby, don't worry." Evan said.

"What did you eat?" Zoe asked. Evan kissed her temple and stole a blueberry.

"I had some downstairs. Come on, eat Zo." Evan said. Zoe smiled and put her fork in her mouth as Evan kissed along her jawline.

"It's very good." Zoe whispered as Evan continued to steal berries off Zoe's plate.

"I'm glad you like it." Evan whispered back, taking a raspberry off her plate. Zoe smiled.

"Babe, if you wanted fruit, you should have gotten your own." Zoe teased. Evan smiled and put whipped cream on Zoe's nose. Zoe laughed.

"We are not having a food fight in the bed. I just put clean sheets on the bed and I'm not doing laundry if you make a mess." Zoe said. Evan smiled as Zoe wiped the whipped cream off her nose.

"I love you." Zoe said. Evan smiled and put a strawberry in her mouth.

"I love you too Zo."

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