December Twenty-Fourth

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Zoe had been in the kitchen all day and Evan knew how tired she was. He tried to send in his mother, Meredith, and Zoe's mother. But she'd asked them all to leave. Once politely and then the next time she threw them out. Evan walked into the kitchen and saw Zoe standing at the stove.

"Hey baby, how is it going?" Evan asked.

"It'd be going faster if people weren't in the kitchen." Zoe snapped.

"Okay okay! I got a text from Alana and Jared. They're going to be here around 4." Evan said.

"Wait, I'm making food for HOW MANY people?" Zoe asked, looking at Evan.

"You, me, my mom, your parents, Connor, Meredith, Jared, and Alana. That's nine all together." Evan said.

"Jesus. Okay. I can do this." Zoe said.

"Do you need any help?" Evan asked.

"No. I can do this." Zoe insisted. Evan smiled and kissed her cheek.

"Of course you can superstar. Kick some ass. But let me know if you need anything okay?" Evan asked.

"I will. I love you." Zoe said. Evan smiled.

"I love you too Zo." Evan said as he turned and walked out of the kitchen.


"Hey Alana!" Evan said, opening the front door.

"Hi!" Alana said. She dragged Jared into the house and Evan smiled.

"Hey Evan." Jared said. Evan smiled.

"Hey! Zoe! Alana and Jared are here! Here, let me take your coats." Evan said. Alana and Jared handed Evan their coats and Zoe stuck her head out of the kitchen.

"Hey 'Lonnie!" Zoe yelled.

"Hey Zo! Want any help?" Alana yelled back.

"I'm okay, but thank you." Zoe said. She ducked back into the kitchen and Alana walked in after removing her boots.

"Zoe? What are you- Wow. It smells amazing in here." Alana said. Zoe smiled and continued to cut the carrots in front of her.

"How much more do you have?" Alana asked.

"I gotta cut the carrots and the turnip, mash them together, and finish the potatoes. Everything else is basically done." Zoe said.

"And how long will that be?" Alana asked.

"Not too long I'm hoping." Zoe said. Alana smiled and hugged Zoe from behind.

"If there's anything you need, just let me know." Alana said.

"God you sound like Evan." Zoe joked.

"At least someone does." Alana said.

"Meaning?" Zoe asked. Alana laughed.

"Nothing. I'm going to say hi to your family." Alana said. Zoe smiled and continued to cut the carrots in front of her.


"This looks amazing Zoe." Alana said sitting at the dining table.

"God I hope it is." Zoe muttered.

"Zoe relax, I'm sure everything is going to be great!" Evan said sitting beside her. Cynthia and Larry walked into the room and smiled.

"It looks wonderful Zoe." Cynthia said.

Meredith smiled and walked into the dining room, followed by Heidi, Jared, and Connor. They all sat at the table and Zoe smiled.

"Okay. Let's do this." Evan said excitedly.

"Wait! We need to say Grace." Zoe said. Jared looked at her.

"We need to what?" He asked.

"We need to say Grace. It's important." Zoe said. Evan nodded.

"Okay. Who's going to say it?" Evan asked. Zoe looked at her parents.

"I can." Heidi offered. Zoe looked at Heidi and smiled.

"Okay. That'd be great." Zoe said. Heidi smiled and Zoe, and the rest of the table did the Sign of the Cross.

"Okay, here we go. Bless O Lord, for these thy gifts which we are about to receive, from thy bounty through Christ our Lord. Amen." Heidi said.

"Amen." Everyone said softly.

"Okay come on you guys! I'm starving!" Jared said. Zoe laughed and dishes were passed around the table.


"Zoe that was delicious." Meredith said.

"Yeah Zo, eleven out of ten." Jared said. Zoe smiled and took a sip from her wine glass. Evan kissed the top of her head.

"Are you finished babe?" Evan asked.

"Yes. Thank you." Zoe said. Evan smiled and picked up her dishes before walking into the kitchen.

"Very well done Zoe." Cynthia said. Zoe smiled.

"Thank you." Zoe said smiling. She looked around the table.

"Where did Dad go?" Zoe asked.

"He's in the kitchen, helping clean up." Cynthia said.

"Oh my god no. You're our guests." Zoe said standing.

"Zoe. Sit down. You made the entire dinner for nine people. By yourself. You're not cleaning up." Alana said. Zoe looked at her mother who nodded.

"Listen to Alana darling. You are staying put for now." Cynthia said. Heidi smiled at Zoe.

"Thank you for dinner Zoe. It was amazing." Heidi said. Zoe smiled and looked at her lap.

"It was nothing. I enjoyed making it." Zoe said.

"Zo, I heard you muttering words of self loathing for a good 15 minutes." Alana said.

"Okay this was my first Christmas dinner. No one gets to judge me. Not even you 'Lonnie." Zoe said. Alana laughed and took a sip of her wine.

"You're just pissed because I'm right. Per usual." Alana said. Zoe laughed and shook her head.

"Whatever 'Lonnie." Zoe said. Alana laughed and Zoe took a drink from her water glass. Evan walked back into the dining room.

"Okay, we're going to wait a bit for dessert if that's okay." Evan said. Zoe nodded.

"Yeah that's probably a good idea. If I eat anything right now you'll have to hose me off the walls." Alana said.

"Imagine that." Zoe said laughing.

Alana scoffed before laughing with her best friend. Evan kissed Zoe's temple as everyone retired to the living room.

Fair warning that tomorrow's part might come out a little late or it'll be a bit shorter

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