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"Mommy! Look at the Christmas tree!" Mallory said. Zoe looked at it and smiled.

"Yeah sweetheart, it's an Angel Tree. See all the paper angels?" Zoe said, pointing to the paper angels hanging off the tree.

"What's an Angel Tree?" Mallory asked.

"Okay, see how this one says 8 year old girl and this one says 4 year old boy and 6 year old girl?" Zoe asked. Mallory nodded and looked at Zoe.

"So these tags have the ages of kids who's mommies and daddies can't afford Christmas presents. So someone else will buy them a toy for Christmas." Zoe explained.

"Why doesn't Santa bring them toys?" Mallory asked. Zoe sighed softly.

"Well Santa does, but then other people will buy them another toy, so they have more than one." Zoe explained. Mallory looked at the tree and grabbed two tags.

"These ones Mommy." She said, handing Zoe the tags.

"Okay let's see, we have a 5 year old boy and a 3 year old girl on one tag, and a 6 year old girl and a 2 year old boy on the other one." Zoe said. Mallory nodded.

"We can buy them Christmas presents so they won't be sad!" Mallory said. Zoe felt her eyes fill with tears and she picked Mallory up and hugged her.

"How did I get such a sweet little girl?" Zoe asked. Mallory shrugged and Zoe pocketed the tags.

"Let's go buy presents for these kids!" Mallory said. Zoe smiled and wiped the tears off her face. She set Mallory down and knelt down in front of her.

"Mallory, do you know what you're doing?" Zoe asked. Mallory shook her head.

"You are making sure that 4 kids have a new toy on Christmas." Zoe said. Mallory's face lit up and she looked at her mother.

"I'm Santa?!" Mallory asked, getting excited. Zoe smiled.

"Kind of. You're doing a very, very nice thing for these kids. I'm very proud of you." Zoe said. Mallory smiled.

"Mommy we have to buy presents! Come on!" Mallory said. Zoe smiled and stood, grabbing Mallory's hand and a cart.

"Mama, I want to sit in the cart!" Mallory shouted. Zoe put a finger to her mouth and lifted Mallory into the cart.

"Remember Mal, inside voice." Zoe reminded her. Mallory nodded and Zoe started walking around the store.


"Mommy! We're all done!" Mallory said. Zoe nodded.

In the cart there was a new doll for the 6 year old girl, some Mega Bloks for the 2 year old boy, a Fisher Price bat cave for the 5 year old boy, and a Baby Alive for the 3 year old girl. 

"Okay baby, lets go pay!" Zoe said.

She pushed the cart to a checkout and put the toys onto the conveyor belt along with the corresponding angel tags. The cashier smiled and put the toys into separate bags with the angel tags.

"Okay so what you're going to do is put your bags into the box beside the Angel Tree. Make sure the gifts are paired correctly and with the right tags and you're all set! Thank you for donating and have a good day!" The cashier said. Zoe smiled and took the bags. She checked them quickly and walked to the exit.

"Okay Mal, lets gently put them in the box." Zoe said. Mallory gently lowered both bags into the box and Zoe smiled.

"Great job baby girl." Zoe said. Mallory smiled and Zoe pushed the cart out of the store towards their car.

"So do they get their presents tomorrow?" Mallory asked.

"No. The kids will get them on Christmas." Zoe explained. Mallory frowned.

"But we bought them today?" Mallory asked.

"Yes, but they'll go and get wrapped by volunteers and then they get dropped off that the houses. Then on Christmas, the kids can open their presents." Zoe explained. Mallory nodded and Zoe put the cart at the drop of zone and picked Mallory up.

"Let's get you home sunflower." Zoe said.

"Mommy! We can tell Daddy that I'm Santa!" Mallory said excitedly.

"Sure sweet heart. We'll tell Daddy that you're Santa." Zoe said. Mallory laughed and Zoe buckled her into her car seat.

"I'm proud of you sunflower. I love you." Zoe said. Mallory smiled and leaned forward to kiss her mother on the cheek. 

"I love you too Mommy!" Mallory said. Zoe smiled and got in the car.

"Alright, lets head home." She said, starting the engine and pulling out of the parking lot.

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