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"Okay Mallory, we should write your letter to Santa." Zoe said. Mallory walked into the kitchen and sat at the table beside her mother.

"Mommy, I already have my Christmas list." Mallory said, showing Zoe a crumpled piece of paper.

"Dear Santa, this is what I want for Christmas. A jet pack, a unicorn, a dragon, a puppy, 55 thousand dollars, a minivan for Mommy and Daddy, a car for my doll, new doll clothes, transforming RV, a phoenix, an evil potion kit, and a real magic wand." Zoe read. Mallory sat beside her smiling.

"Wow honey, this is great. Do you want to write another one to mail to Santa? Maybe with a few less ideas, and maybe some toys you want?" Zoe asked gently. Mallory nodded.

"Okay Mommy. Let's do mine and then one for you and one for Daddy." Mallory said. Zoe smiled and nodded.

"Let's start with yours." She said. Mallory nodded and handed her mother a marker and a piece of paper.

"Okay, Dear Santa. Did you write that Mommy?" Mallory asked.

"Yup. Okay, what's next?" Zoe asked.

"Um, for Christmas this year I would like. But don't put the um." Mallory said.

"No sweetheart, of course I won't." Zoe said, writing down what her daughter had said.

"I want a Bitty Baby from American Girl. And a new dollhouse." Mallory said.

"What's wrong with the dollhouse you have now?" Zoe asked, putting the marker down.

"The roof broke. Then the house flooded. And then the second floor broke." Mallory said.

"Is the roof actually broken? Or is it pretend broken?" Zoe asked.

"Real broken! I'll show you!" Mallory said. She got up and ran to her room. Zoe followed her and watched as Mallory shifted her dollhouse and the roof came toppling off.

"See Mommy! Broken! I need a new house!" Mallory said. Zoe nodded.

"Okay, lets put that on the list. What else?" Zoe asked, taking Mallory downstairs.

"A play makeup set, and some new food for my kitchen!" Mallory said. Zoe wrote those two things down and smiled.

"Okay, so a Bitty Baby, a new dollhouse, a play makeup set, and new kitchen food?" Zoe asked. Mallory nodded.

"So now we say thank you to Santa, and you sign your first and last name at the bottom." Zoe said. She wrote the thank you down before handing Mallory the marker.

"Okay so now you write Mallory Hansen on the bottom." Zoe said. Mallory wrote her name roughly and gave her mother the letter.

"All done!" She said. Zoe grabbed an envelope and a stamp.

"Okay, lets out the letter in the envelope and close it." Mallory licked the envelope and pressed it close. Zoe put the stamp on and wrote the address.

"Come on baby, lets go out this in the mail." Zoe said.

Mallory pulled on her boots and coat and Zoe did the same. The pair walked to the mailbox and Mallory put the letter in the slot.

"Now we wait for Santa to write back." Zoe said.

"How long will that be?" Mallory asked.

"A week? I'm not sure sweetie. But let's go home and have a cookie." Zoe said. Mallory nodded and walked with her mother back to the house.

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