December Sixteenth

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"Ugh there's nothing to do!" Zoe groaned. Evan looked at her and smiled.

"We could go sledding." Evan said. Zoe looked at him and smiled.

"We could!" She said excitedly.

"Where's the nearest tobogganing hill?" Zoe asked. Evan shrugged and opened his laptop.

"There's a hill not too far from here. We could go there?" Evan asked. Zoe nodded.

"Okay!" Zoe said. She got up off the couch and Evan closed his laptop.

"Wait Zoe. Do we even have a toboggan?" Evan asked. Zoe looked at him and shrugged.

"I don't know." She said.

"If it's not in the garage then it doesn't exist." Evan said. Zoe opened the door to the garage and sighed.

"There's not one in there." Zoe said sadly.

"Okay, then we'll go get one." Evan said.

"Where do we get a toboggan?" Zoe asked.

"TSC." Evan said. He opened his laptop and typed something into the search engine.

"There, TSC closes at 9:30 tonight. So we'll go now and then we can come back and get dressed and go to the hill." Evan said.

Zoe smiled and shut the garage door. Evan shut his laptop and walked over to the closet. He took his coat and Zoe's coat out of the closet and handed hers to her. She put hers on before grabbing her boots, her hat, and her mitts. She pulled her boots on and looked at Evan who was ready to go.

"Come on slow poke." Evan said. Zoe smiled and pulled her hat and mitts on.

"You want to drive?" Zoe asked, grabbing her purse and her wallet. She pocketed her phone and reached for the keys.

"No thanks." Evan said. Zoe nodded and grabbed the keys. Evan walked out the front door and Zoe followed, locking the door behind her.

"So where exactly is TSC?" Zoe asked.

"It's on the corner of Hyde Park and Main." Evan said. Zoe nodded and got into the car.

She started the engine and did her seatbelt up. She looked over at Evan who was typing something into his phone.

"Whatcha typing?" Zoe asked.

"Just texting my mom." Evan said.

"About?" Zoe asked.

"What time her flight gets in." Evan said. Zoe nodded and backed out of the driveway before turning right and driving down their street.

"What time does she get in? Because my parents and Connor both get in around 3:30." Zoe said.

"She said she should be getting in around 4:00." Evan said.

"Okay, so we can wait at the airport until she gets in." Zoe said.

"You can take your family home if you would rather." Evan said. Zoe looked at him.

"What?" Zoe asked.

"Besides, the Jeep only fits five people. All seven of us can't fit in the Jeep." Evan said. Zoe nodded.

"Okay. So then what will you do?" Zoe asked.

"I'll take my car." Evan said. Zoe shrugged.



Two hours later, Zoe was back behind the wheel of her Jeep with two toboggans in the trunk and Evan sitting beside her.

"Okay lets do this!" Zoe said excitedly.

She got out of the car and Evan followed. She opened up her trunk and pulled the toboggans out. Evan grabbed the smaller one and Zoe pulled the larger one behind her. She stood at the bottom of the steep hill and looked up.

"Let's go!" Evan said. He grabbed her hand and the two started walking up the hill.

Once at the top Zoe looked around. She smiled and Evan sat in the back of the large toboggan.

"Get in Zo." He said excitedly. Zoe sat down in the toboggan and Evan tucked his legs in between hers and the sides of the toboggan.

"Ready?" Evan asked.


"3...2...1... GO!" Evan pushed off and the toboggan went flying down the hill.

Zoe laughed all the way down and when it finally came to a stop, she rolled out. She sat on her knees and laughed as Evan rolled out of the toboggan.

"That was so fun!" Zoe said. Evan smiled and stood up.

"Wanna go again?" He asked. Zoe nodded and Evan helped her to her feet. He grabbed the toboggan string and Zoe's hand and the pair started walking up the hill.

"Do you want to use the smaller one or go again in the big one?" Evan asked. Zoe looked at the two toboggans in front of her.

"Let's go in the big one again." She said. Evan sat down and Zoe sat in front of him. She felt him adjusting his legs and she smiled.

"Ready?" Zoe asked.

"Yeah. 3...2...1... GO!" Evan yelled again. He pushed off and Zoe laughed all the way down before the toboggan became unbalanced and she fell out. She laid on the hill giggling and watched as Evan came walking towards her, dragging the toboggan behind him.

"Are you okay?" Evan asked. Zoe giggled and nodded.

"I'm fine. That was so funny!" Zoe said. Evan helped her up and the two walked up the hill again.

"Can I try the small one?" Zoe asked. Evan nodded and grabbed the small disc shaped toboggan.

"You gotta sit crisscross in this one." Evan said. Zoe did as she was told and sat crisscrossed in the toboggan.

"Wanna spin?" Evan asked.

Zoe nodded and Evan spun her quickly before pushing her down the hill. He smiled as he heard Zoe's giggles all the way down and he watched as she rolled out of the toboggan and laid in the snow. He jumped in the bigger toboggan and slid down to meet her. He sat beside her and Zoe smiled.

"This was a great idea." She said. Evan smiled.

"It was, wasn't it?" He asked. Zoe nodded and smiled.

"Hey Evan." She said. Evan looked at her and got a face full of snow.

"Last one up the hill buys hot chocolate!" Zoe yelled. She grabbed her toboggan and ran up the hill with Evan on her heels.

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