chapter 25

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Turning off the alarm and cameras and turning on all the lights after that went so easy, it made Liv wonder how many times Dom had done it before. Or that he was just a quick learner.

Either way she couldn't ask him because Dom was already running towards the pool and of course Liv followed him right behind, trying to keep up with everything he wanted to do because it looked like he had planned it all out and he was so excited to show her everything, he had problems slowing down.

"Dom," Liv laughed, watching how he took off his shoes and socks and grabbed his shirt to take it off as well. The way she called his name made him pause.


"We have all night. No need to rush."

Dom lowered his arms and let his shirt go, chuckling. "I know. I'm just... excited."

"I noticed," Liv told him playfully, receiving an eye roll from him combined with a fond smile. He then took off his shirt and unbuckled his pants. Instead of staring at him as he was undressing himself, Liv started taking off her clothes as well.

She had turned around, all focused on undressing, so when she turned back to face Dom once she was in her underwear only, she was shocked to find he was completely naked.

The unexpected sight caused Liv to choke on her own breath for a second, causing her to cough a few times.

"Sometimes I don't wear underwear," Dom said as innocent as he possibly could. "Swimming in my trousers didn't seem comfortable."

"You don't wear underwear?" Liv asked him, trying very hard not to laugh but a chuckle still slipped.

"I said sometimes," Dom said seriously. "I just like to let it breathe."

Again, Liv chuckled while her eyes were glued to his face because she tried everything not to look down. It was pretty obvious, though.

"Do you mind, though?" Dom asked, this time actually serious. "Because if you mind I'll-"

Before he could finish the sentence Liv slipped her own underwear down. And she then unclasped her bra to take it off as well.

And there they were; standing in front of each other both naked in a swimming pool they had just broken into. Kind of.

For a moment it made Liv wonder what the hell she was doing with her life, but when she saw a smile developing on Dom's face, she smiled as well and said, "whoever touches the other side of the pool first, wins."

Before he could argue she ran to the pool and jumped into the water.

"Wins what?!" Dom yelled from behind her, jumping into the water right after she did. Liv didn't answer him, and instead gave everything she had to swim as quick as she could to be on the other side first.

Dom started getting closer and closer, so close she could even feel his hands brushing over her leg, trying to pull her back so he could pass her.

She thought he couldn't get her, but Dom eventually managed to grab her ankle and pull her back harshly, all the way to his chest. To her surprise, he didn't let her go to pass her, but instead lifted her up and made sure he was holding her steadily before he pressed his lips on her lips.

It caught Liv totally off guard, but she immediately kissed back, wrapping her legs around his waist so it was easier for him to hold her. Her hands moved to his wet hair and she brushed it all the way back while slowly making out with him.

Dom's hands were on her arse but it felt like they weren't even there due to the water around them. Only when he started sliding them up and down while holding her up, Liv noticed. She tightened the grip of her legs around his waist and kissed him for a little while longer before she just let her head fall on his shoulder and wrapped her arms tightly around his neck to hug him. Her face was buried in his wet neck and she couldn't help giving him a quick kiss there before just closing her eyes and enjoying the feeling of his arms around her back while she felt like she was floating.

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