chapter 75

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The test was negative, something Liv had expected deep down from the very first moment. There was just something in her that made her want to blame Dom earlier that day, and it was probably the fact that she hadn't taken her pills. She wasn't going to tell him that though, because she knew it would make him mad.

Not that he wasn't mad right now though. After they found out the test was negative, they hadn't said much to each other anymore, the fight they had before still being on their mind.

They were making chocolate milkshakes together as they agreed they would do that, but it wasn't fun like it normally was. The only time either of them talked was when they were reading the steps out loud to the other.

When they had been through almost all the steps and were just mixing now, it was just silent. And Dom was the first to break it because the silence made them both go crazy inside.

"I'm glad it was negative but you still didn't have a reason to yell at me like that," he said, instantly making Liv want to punch a wall because she hoped that if he'd speak, he would at least not start about the fight. Even though they couldn't avoid it forever.

"I was nervous," Liv mumbled emotionlessly, "and you started about the pills again and I just-"

"Didn't you blame me for something I didn't even have control over, Liv?" Dom interrupted her, raising his eyebrow while he was looking at her with his hands rested on the kitchen counter. She wasn't looking back but the feeling of his eyes on her made her nervous and even more annoyed at the same time.

"You're overreacting," Liv told him, still mumbling in a way she was almost impossible to understand. Dom immediately caught what she was saying though and breathed in sharply to contain himself before he answered, "overreacting? You literally said fuck you."

"You fucking guilt tripped me," Liv fought him, leaning on the counter to finally make eye contact with him as she didn't want him to think she was too afraid to argue.

"Guilt tripped?!" Dom asked with a deep frown. "How- no I fucking didn't."

"You did! You-"

"If you're gonna scream at me then please leave the fucking house," Dom cut her off when she started raising her voice at him. Liv opened her mouth to respond, but instead she rolled her eyes and turned away from him.

"And if you're gonna act like that you can leave the house too."

"Fine!" Liv said angrily, dropping everything that was in her hands to walk right past him and leave the kitchen.

"You're fucking bold telling me to leave the house as if you weren't literally begging on your knees for me to stay a few weeks ago!"

Dom was walking right behind her to follow her to wherever she was going because he obviously wasn't done talking yet. But when she said that, he stopped in his tracks and she could hear him gasp quietly.

"I- I thought we agreed we'd never talk about it again," Dom said quietly, obviously more hurt than mad at this point. Liv could feel a wave of guilt going through her body but still the biggest part pushed her to go on like this. Maybe because it was the only way she knew she'd win the fight which was the most important thing for her at the moment somehow.

"And I thought you'd never do cocaine but turns out we were both wrong weren't we Dom?"

Liv already had one foot on the stairs but she turned around just to raise her eyebrow at him and see his reaction. His face dropped in a way she just knew his heart dropped in his stomach when she said that.

we f*cking hate each other now | YUNGBLUDWhere stories live. Discover now