chapter 27

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"You're special, you know that?"

Dom's hand disappeared from her cheek within a second and he turned around to walk back to the kitchen. Liv hesitantly followed him, but Dom had expected her to because he turned around right after he had placed the flowers on the kitchen counter.

"They're pretty."

Liv nodded as an answer and stuck her hands in the pockets of Dom's jacket she was still wearing after all this time. It seemed like Dom noticed it too now.

"You're wearing my jacket again," he pointed out, gently placing his hands on Liv's hips to guide her to the kitchen counter. He lifted her up and placed her on it, standing in between her legs. Liv just let him do whatever he wanted and closely watched his every move.

"I'm still wearing it," she corrected him. "I never even went back home."

Dom's hands were already on her thighs when he stopped moving. "You stayed outside all night?"

Liv nodded and moved her hands to lay them on top of Dom's, but he grabbed hers and placed them next to her so she couldn't move them away.

"Are you fucking crazy?"

When Liv didn't respond to him, Dom moved closer so his crotch was pressed against the side of the kitchen counter and he pressed his hands on Liv's for a second to sign her to keep them there before he held her face.

"That's so dange- Did you even sleep?"

Liv shook her head now as far as she could since Dom was holding her face pretty firmly. For some reason Dom looked pissed, but Liv could somehow tell it wasn't directly at her.

He brushed his thumbs right underneath her eyes, were her dark bags were, and leaned in.

"You're insane, Liv."

Liv couldn't help but crack a smile and she wanted to lean in as well to kiss his lips since it had been way too long since she had done that, but Dom moved back just enough for her to not be able to reach him.

"Did you even eat this morning?"

"No, but-"

"Fucking hell," Dom groaned before Liv had a chance to defend herself. He lifted her up from the kitchen counter, supporting her by her arse like he had done in the swimming pool. This time it was probably much heavier for him though as there was no water around them, but still he didn't seem to struggle a bit.

Dom forced her to keep her arms and legs around him while he carried her out of the kitchen, up the stairs. Liv just let him this time, because she was way too tired to fight and she kind of liked having him carrying her like this.

Dom only let go once he had walked into the bathroom. He placed her on her feet and immediately grabbed her jaw with his hand to force her to look up at him.

"You're gonna take a shower while I make you breakfast, yeah?"

Liv nodded, her eyes big.

"What do you want?"

Dom did his thing where he tapped his fingers on Liv's jaw but didn't remove the grip on her face. Liv was so caught up in his movements she could only shrug.

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