chapter 39

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"She's coughing up blood. You need to change her position."

It was the very first thing Liv heard when she regained consciousness. It was weird because the first thing she did was indeed cough, so it seemed like she had been coughing up blood while she wasn't even conscious.

There were hands pushing her body into another, uncomfortable position, making it harder for her to breathe. It caused her to shoot her eyes open and try to turn away.

"Calm down, it's alright," she heard a woman's voice say from behind her. Liv shook her head; something that hurt more than anything had ever done before. It made her hyperventilate and try to sit it another position again.

"It's okay, honey. You're making it worse. Breathe in and out slowly."

That wasn't working at all. Without fully realizing Liv crawled back against the woman's chest as she was sitting behind Liv on the asphalt, needing someone to hold her steadily right now. The woman didn't hesitate to put her arms around Liv's waist and make her sit up straight.

Blood fell from Liv's lips onto the woman's hands when Liv coughed and breathed out again.

"The ambulance is on the way. Just a little longer," the woman told her calmly. Although Liv had finally managed to breathe in and out normally just once, she started hyperventilating again at the mention of the ambulance. It made her realize in how much trouble she was. Which was way worse than the pain she felt right now.

"No!" Liv managed to get out, ignoring the pain in her chest when she talked. "Where's- I need-"

"Shhh," the woman shushed while a man who had been standing in front of them watching Liv being in pain, kneeled down in front of her when he noticed how she was making things worse.

"Don't try to talk right now," he said seriously. "Everything is under control."

"N- No! No! My- My boyf-"

"Your boyfriend is on the other side of the car. People are helping him too. He's not awake though, but he's breathing," the man told her while the woman kept trying her best to keep Liv in place which was hard as Liv tried everything to get away.

"No!" she protested again, going into a coughing fit right after making blood drip all over her clothes.

"He'll be alright, I promise," the woman said in turn now.

"No, please," Liv cried when she could finally breathe again. She let her body fall against the woman's chest exhaustedly. Not because she wanted to but because she knew she could pass out any second.

"He's gonna be fine. You want me to check up on him?" the man asked her, pushing himself up.

Liv could only cry. They couldn't go anywhere now. Everything they had planned was completely ruined, forever.

And to make it worse, Liv had put Dom in this situation. She was the reason he was in this state right now.

"Sweetie..." the woman sighed while Liv was crying in her arms, barely breathing. "Freaking out isn't helping anyone. An ambulance will be here soon and there's multiple people helping your boyfriend right now."

When Liv didn't react to it but instead shook her head heavily, the woman added, "what's his name?"

Even though there was no way Liv and Dom could still be on the run after this, she refused to say his name. It felt like she'd betray him, for some reason. After what he had done for her.

"What's your name?" the woman tried when Liv didn't respond to her. Again Liv didn't say anything and instead kept crying while catching her breath hoping the chest pains would fade soon.

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