chapter 12

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Dom: we can work on the project at my place after school if you want?

Liv: dom

Dom: yeah?

Liv: just working on the project. nothing more

Liv saw how Dom was typing, but then stopped, and she looked up to meet his eyes from the other side of the classroom. She saw Dom biting his lip on purpose, and he remained eye contact with her as long as he could just because he knew those were two things she couldn't handle normally.

Liv shot him an annoyed look and shook her head just enough for him to see, but so it wasn't too obvious for the rest of the students that were in the classroom too.

She broke the eye contact with him to focus on class again, but the phone that was laying in her lap buzzed again.

Dom: to work on the project and talk after?

Liv: i think "talk" got a different meaning for us so no. just the project

Liv didn't even dare to look up at Dom anymore, even though she knew he was looking. She couldn't feel it, she couldn't see it, she just knew.

"Is he still texting you?" Dani whispered to her, making Liv jump because for a moment she forgot her friend was sitting right next to her.

"Wh- Who? You mean-"

"Your dad," Dani answered, frowning.

"Oh," Liv breathed out and she tried to laugh to cover up her confusion that almost revealed that she was hiding something from Dani.

"Yeah he is."

"Is it serious?"

Liv shrugged. "Not really. Don't worry."

She placed her phone back in her lap and picked up her book to flick through the pages.

"You're shaking though," Dani pointed out. Liv held her breath for a moment as she looked at her hands. She hadn't even noticed it herself.

She thought she had stopped shaking as it had been over thirty minutes since Dom and her had their 'talk' in the bathroom, but apparently her body was still caught off guard.

"I think I'm hungry," Liv told her friend.

"Wanna grab some food after school?"

Dani meant it well, and Liv should be grateful for it, but she couldn't help being annoyed by the way her friend didn't seem to let it go.

She shook her head in response. "I have to go home right away."

To make it even worse, Dani moved her hand to Liv's back and softly rubbed it. "Are you sure everything is fine?"

Liv gently took Dani's hand off her back and nodded. "Just in trouble, but it's nothing big."

"If you say so," Dani shrugged and Liv just promised herself she wasn't gonna kiss Dom ever again because she hated keeping secrets from Dani.

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