chapter 63

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"Just one more tiny piece baby are you ready?"

Dom didn't react to it, as he hadn't reacted to anything Liv had said to him in the past few minutes. Liv sighed sadly and looked at him one more time before pulling the last piece of glass out of his arm. It immediately caused his arm to start bleeding, but Liv was quick to press a cloth against it.

"Does it hurt a lot?" she asked him, hoping that if she would keep asking yes and no questions he'd actually react to her because all he had to do is nod or shake his head.

But he didn't, and he kept staring at the wall like he had done ever since he had stopped crying.

"Your face is all bruised too," she said sadly, stroking her fingertips over his bruised skin before she leaned in to kiss his cheek, then his jaw, very very softly. Even to that, Dom didn't react at all.

Liv sighed for what felt like the millionth time and sat down next to him on the floor, making sure every piece of glass that was on it was at least not close to them so neither of them could get hurt. She shortly looked around the bathroom to see the mess Dom made but before it could freak her out because she had no idea how she was gonna clean it all before his mom would come home, she looked back up at Dom.

It was scary how lifeless he looked. All emotions that were rushing through his body just a few moments ago were now nowhere to be seen. She wondered what was going through his mind right now. It was either a lot or nothing at all, but she guessed the first.

She rested her hand on Dom's thigh and slowly stroked it up and down, letting her head fall on his shoulder. She was unsure if she should tell him again that she didn't blame him for hurting her while he was having withdrawals, but something in her said it'd make it worse.

So instead she kissed his shoulder and said, "I might keep this t shirt. It's comfortable."

Normally when she said something like this when she was wearing Dom's clothes, he'd either get defensive in a playful way, or tell her she could because it looked amazing, depending on what mood he was in.

Now, though, he said nothing at all.

Liv removed her hand from his thigh to grab his hand instead to play with his fingers very carefully, making sure she wouldn't hurt him as he had a bruise there as well.

"I love you, okay?" she whispered, bringing his hand to her lips to kiss it. Nothing made him move, so as a desperate attempt Liv climbed onto his lap hoping it would make him wrap his arms around her waist.

She did it slowly though, so he could stop her at any moment if he didn't want her to sit on his lap, but he obviously didn't. He didn't even look at her.

Liv made herself comfortable against his chest and laid her head on his shoulder again, this time burying her face in the crook of his neck as she was close enough to do that.

She kissed it a few times, very gently, before she breathed out and closed her eyes.

"Dom," she spoke, her lips a few inches away from his neck. She wasn't going to kiss him again though. She just liked being close to him, especially when she was worried.

"Can you please say something? Can be anything."

She wrapped her arms around his neck and whispered, "please?"

She had a hard time swallowing away her tears. She didn't want to give up in trying to make Dom talk to her, but she didn't know what else to try either.

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