chapter 30

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"We have to go back. We can't miss all classes."

Dom pushed himself away from Liv and fixed her clothes so they looked at least a little decent again. They had yet another make out session in the bathroom stall, and honestly the idea of sitting on the dirty bathroom floor for so long made Liv want to throw up, but when she and Dom were talking and making out after, she totally forgot where she was.

Liv groaned and searched for her bag before she stood up, right after Dom did.

"We can't walk into the classroom together, though," she told him.

Dom shook his head. "One of us has to stay here until next class I think."

"I'll stay," Liv immediately said, which made him laugh and roll his eyes.

"You're not even trying to pass this year anymore, are you?"

He was touching the side of Liv's face, tugging her dark hair behind her ear. Liv moved her hand up to his to take it away and hold his hand, and opened the door of the bathroom stall they had been in for a long time.

"Nope," she said, shrugging as she took a look at them in the mirror that was right in front of them now. Her eyes got stuck at the sight of her hand holding Dom's, and she stroke her finger over his black heart tattoo while watching it closely through the reflection.

"Well," Dom spoke and he gently placed his thumb on her jaw to turn her head from the mirror towards him so he could look directly into her eyes. "As long as you're there next class. We have to finish our project for English."

Liv laughed thinking about how much work they still have to do for the project, as every time they were together and even planned to work on the project, they always got distracted.

When Dom raised his eyebrow to let her know he was serious, Liv dropped her smile to give him the same energy and nodded. "I'll be there, sir."

Dom pursed his lips to hold back a fond smile. "You better be, ma'am."

He leaned in to give her a kiss on her swollen lips, but Liv stopped him, just to mess with him.

"Rule number four," she said, her hand on his plump lips to hold him back. "No kissing in the bathroom, remember?"

Dom rolled his eyes, groaning, and he was too quick for Liv to stop him when he pushed away her hand and lifted her up just to pin her against the wall. To her surprise, though, he didn't kiss her lips. Instead he moved down to kiss the bruise that was underneath her eye, very gently, and then looked up into her eyes.

"I'll take care of that when we get home, yeah?"

Even though he was her boyfriend and it was a simple thing, the fact that he cared about her and he expected her to come home with him after school made Liv feel things in her stomach. She couldn't hold back the wide smile that was growing on her face, and nodded.


She knew she couldn't even go home with him because her dad would be there immediately after school, but she didn't want to ruin the moment yet.

Dom gave her another kiss on her cheek and turned around to leave the bathroom, but Liv quickly pulled him back by his hand and turned him back around. When he shot her a confused frown, she pressed her lips on his and kept them there for a few seconds.

"Rule number four is one we can break sometimes," she whispered, planting one other quick kiss on his lips. "I'll see you in a bit."


It was odd walking into the classroom pretending Dom wasn't her boyfriend and they hadn't been sitting together in the bathroom stall for a long time before they went to class.

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