chapter 46

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Liv woke up with sharp pain in her cheek, leaving her confused for a second. As soon as she pushed herself up she saw it was because of the lock necklace around Dom's neck where her cheek had been laying on for a while, maybe the whole night even. As she looked down at it, she took a moment to take in the way Dom was laying underneath her, on his back with his face half pressed in the white pillow.

Liv had been sleeping on his bare chest. She wondered how he still wasn't cold: she was wearing a hoodie while Dom was wearing his underwear only. He had demanded to take off his shirt because he felt 'trapped' in it.

It had been scary taking care of him while he was under the influence of drugs, but Liv hoped that when he would wake up now, he was sober again.

Liv gently pushed his necklace to the side and laid back down on Dom's chest, focusing on his breathing while she traced her pointer finger over his arm making figures.

She knew her dad would never come in her room before noon, so since it was 10 in the morning they had two more hours to figure out how to do things. Or at least she had two more hours to figure them out; she didn't expect Dom to wake up anytime soon.

After laying on his chest for a little while longer, mostly just taking in the moment because she had no idea for how long it could last, she slowly got out of bed to check where her dad was and what his plans were. Maybe she could find a way to sneak Dom out if she figured out her dad's schedule.

Liv made sure Dom wouldn't be cold by pulling the blanket over his body up to his chin and she took another moment to look at him.

She couldn't help but bend forward and brush his hair back just to press a kiss on his forehead.

Before she left the room Liv took the key off the desk and locked the door from the outside, making sure that wherever her dad was, he wouldn't come in her room for some reason while Dom was sleeping there. Last thing she wanted was another fight between them.

She slowly walked upstairs to the kitchen, as she could hear sounds coming from there. As soon as she opened the door to enter, she almost bumped into her dad.

"Hey," she breathed out somewhat nervous.

"Goodmorning baby," her dad greeted her back, kissing her head. Liv smiled relieved when he said it, giving her the indication that he didn't suspect anything. Not yet.

"You look tired. Did you sleep well?" her dad asked, brushing both of his thumbs underneath her eyes. Liv nodded and gently pushed him away.

"I just woke up. That's why I look tired."

She walked past him into the kitchen and looked at the table where she found four plates instead of three like every other morning. It made her stop in her tracks and turn around.

"Is someone coming over?"

Her dad smiled a little, the left corner of his mouth going up. "It's for Dom. I figured he wants to eat breakfast with us as well?"

Liv's heart started to race. "He's- He's not- How do you know he's here?"

She figured denying that he was here wouldn't work. Her dad looked confident; she knew he knew for sure.

"You thought hearing the front door shut wouldn't instantly wake me up no matter what? That becomes an instinct, Liv, when you have your own house."

Liv could in no possible way read whether her dad was going to be mad or not, but she assumed he was, so she breathed out, "I'm so sorry."

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