chapter 62

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"I hate you! I fucking hate you! Go away! I don't need you!"

Tears were streaming down both Liv's and Dom's cheeks, Dom loudly crying and screaming while Liv was just quietly sobbing at the end of his bed, waiting for it to pass.

"Go!" he yelled, screaming in frustration and picking up the first thing he saw, wanting to throw it. Liv gasped when she saw it was a glass, and she inmediately crawled over to him to grab it out of his hand.

"Don't fucking throw that," she said, trying to sound intimidating and serious, but her sobbing just made her sound weak.

"Don't fucking tell me what to do!"

Dom wanted to grab the glass out of her hands, but Liv was quick to move it away from him. At least, she thought, because out of nowhere Dom hit her in her stomach, causing her to bend forward so he could get the glass back. Not even a second later the loud sound of glass spilling all over the wooden floor, reverberated through the room.


Liv was sweating when she opened her eyes, looking around the dark room confusedly. It wasn't completely dark, as they always kept a little light on because both of them woke up pretty often in the middle of the night for several reasons.

The small light was the reason she could see Dom laying right next to her when she turned her head. He looked peaceful, with his face turned into her direction although he was laying on his stomach. One hand was underneath his pillow while the other was laying on the mattress next to him.

His peaceful state made her realize that it was all just a dream. Well, not entirely just a dream: it was something that had happened before. It was more of a flashback.

Liv sat up and breathed out shakily, trying to calm herself down. After taking a few deep breaths, she moved her hand to Dom's face and gently stroked his hair back.

She stopped for a moment when she realized how much he was sweating again. It made her sigh and bend down to kiss his head very softly.

"You're okay," she whispered, brushing his hair back once again. "I'm right here."

Liv sat up again but kept her hand on Dom's head, running her fingers through his hair as it was something that calmed her down as well.

She did this for a while, so long she almost forgot her hand was in his hair until his head moved and she heard Dom softly moan.

"Are you awake baby?" he mumbled, his voice low and raspy as he had been awake for just a few seconds. Liv nodded and pulled her hand away.

She heard him move and saw him push the blankets away as he sat up. Liv jumped a little when his hand touched her cheek.

"Did you have a nightmare?" he asked, stroking his knuckles over her cheek, up and down.

Liv nodded again. Dom breathed in very slowly and got ahold of her body to place her on his lap, wrapping his arms around her now shaking body because it was pretty cold not being under a warm blanket.

"You wanna talk about it?" Dom asked her, running his hands up her body slowly, making her shiver even more. He kissed her collarbone as she was wearing no t shirt, and rested his chin on her shoulder after.

Liv shrugged. "Not really."

"That's okay," he said, kissing her collarbone again before he started kissing all over her shoulder up to her neck, making the kisses softer when he reached it, brushing her hair away to get more access.

Liv leaned back against his warm chest and played with her hands while Dom was moving his hands all over her upper body, comforting her.

"Are you cold sweetheart?" Dom asked when he saw her shiver. He stopped his movements for a moment and Liv felt how he was looking at her, but she was staring at the wall instead. She nodded though.

we f*cking hate each other now | YUNGBLUDWhere stories live. Discover now