chapter 59

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Liv's hands were shaking as she tried to find the key to Dom's house in the pockets of her jacket. It had to be somewhere, and it was the only way she could get inside as she figured his mom was still gone because no one opened the front door for her even after she rang the doorbell at least ten times.

For a second she considered breaking into his house, but then she felt a tiny piece of metal against her hand when she was digging deep in her pocket. It had to be the key. She pulled it out as quick as she could and put it in the lock of the door, swearing quietly when it wouldn't turn.

Liv aggressively took it out again just to push it in for a second time and this time it did turn. A click followed a few seconds later and the door opened. With no hesitation and not even closing the door behind her, Liv stormed up the stairs to Dom's room. The door was closed, but a soon as she felt the doorknob she found out it wasn't locked, luckily.

She stopped breathing when her eyes fell on Dom's lifeless body, that was laying next to his bed on the floor. Right where he had begged her on his knees to stay with him.

"Fuck." Liv ran over to him and immediately kneeled down next to him, feeling his pulse. His heart was racing and his breathing was quick and heavy, his mouth hanging open.

Sweat was dripping from his dark hair and Liv brushed it away to see his eyes, only to watch them roll back making her whimper in fear because she had never seen him or anyone in this state.

Liv rested both of her hands on his hot cheeks, slapping his right cheek gently to make him responsive.

"I'm here. I'm here baby. Look at me, please."

Instead of showing her in any way that he was hearing her, his eyes rolled to the back of his head again, his entire body shaking on the cold floor.

"Dom," Liv whined, tears welling up in her eyes as she started freaking out more and more by the second. She slapped his cheek again but gained no response.

Dom was gagging, his mouth dry from rapid breathing. Liv had to wipe away saliva from the corner of his mouth, together with the sweat on his forehead that was dripping off it.

"Please honey look at me," she cried, stroking her thumb over his skin right beneath his eye, watching it roll back again, making her cry even more.

She removed her hand from his face just to place her arm underneath his head while the other went under his legs, to try to lift him off the floor and at least place him on the bed hoping it would make him shake less.

The second she lifted him up though, Dom's head fell back causing her to yell in fear and drop him immediately. His muscles weren't working anymore, and if it wasn't for his quick breathing and his body shaking, she would've thought he was dead.

"Say something, Dom! Please!"

Her hands were gliding over his body, stopping at his chest just to feel his heartbeat and try to keep his body still from shaking so much. It didn't work, obviously, and when Dom's head twitched and his eyes kept rolling back every few seconds, she moved back to hold his face again.

"You're g- gonna be alright, okay? Y- You're gonna be fine. Please look at me," she choked out, tasting her own tears that were falling from her eyes, touching her lips. For a moment it seemed like his eyes stopped rolling back and he looked at her. It even seemed like he tried to smile, but she probably imagined that.

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