chapter 45

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It had taken Dom at least thirty minutes to wake up again, and Liv still hadn't thought of a single good plan. One thing she knew for sure, was that she wasn't going to leave Dom alone again.

She had been sitting on the bathroom floor holding Dom for so long now, every muscle in her body started to slowly hurt. She didn't want to move though, but when Dom started moving again she had to admit she was glad he was waking up.

As soon as Dom's eyes opened, he tried to find her hands with his, while his hands were shaking already. She didn't know what it was with him wanting to hold her hand so bad, but she guessed he was just scared she was going to leave again.

"You're okay, it's okay Dom," Liv told him, taking his hands and intertwining her fingers with his. Dom turned his head while keeping it on her shoulder, and stared at the ceiling with his eyes wide open.

She heard how his breathing got heavy even though he tried to keep it in control, and he eventually removed his head from her shoulder.

"You're okay," she told him again.

It looked like he saw something in front of him which made him crawl back more against her chest. Liv wrapped her arms around his waist again while not letting his hands go.

"Dom, hey."

"D- Did you- Did you lock-"

"The door is locked. It's just us."


"Why what?"

"Why are we- are we in the bathroom?"

"Because you fought a guy and your nose was bleeding. And I needed you to get away from the crowd."

Dom nodded so Liv hoped he understood what she was saying. He was still breathing quickly for a little longer, but then let his head rest on her shoulder again.

"Are you feeling sick?" she asked him.

Dom shook his head. "The ceiling is just... pink. It's pretty."

He smiled a little. Liv looked up at the ceiling as well, but obviously it was just white for her.

"You see it too?" Dom asked her.

Liv just hummed, knowing that getting mad at him for doing drugs or asking him what drugs it was wouldn't work right now.

"My mom said you- you can s- sleep at ours tonight," he slurred.

Liv frowned and tried to look at him, but his face was too close to hers for her to see his eyes. She couldn't resist gently pressing her lips on his cheek, though, even though she knew she shouldn't do that. "When did she say that?"

"Just... five minutes ago. I talked to her," he claimed, which was obviously nonsense. Again. Liv sighed and gave him another quick kiss as she figured he didn't process it anyway.


"So we're going?"

"I was thinking about taking you to my house instead. It's easier and I think it'll cause less problems for both of us," she told him, even though she had thought of that just a second ago. She just didn't know what else to do. She had to be home before her dad would wake up.

To her surprise Dom shook his head and took it off her shoulder. "No."

"Why not?"

"Cause- cause you're gonna leave me."

"I'm not. I-"

"You're gonna l- leave me," he cut her off as he squeezed her hands very tightly before letting them go and trying to move away from her. Liv immediately pulled him back knowing he was capable of doing anything at the moment.

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