chapter 56

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The second time that night when Liv woke up, it wasn't in a foreign room or foreign bed. In fact, she woke up with her head resting on Dom's chest, her legs on either side of his body. It wasn't even that comfortable, but the position Dom had laid her down in hadn't woken her up.

Dom looked very comfortable, with his head turned to the side on his big white pillow, his hair flying everywhere. Liv pushed herself up gently, careful she wouldn't wake Dom up, and brushed his red, almost back to black, hair back. She was about to give him a kiss on his forehead, but once her hand touched his skin she noticed how much he was sweating.

"Jesus," she whispered to herself, pressing the back of her hand against his forehead. His head was insanely hot, making her wonder how it hadn't woken him up.

"You must still be feeling sick," she whispered to him although he was still fast asleep. She brushed his hair back once more and placed her hand on his cheek, moving her thumb up and down.

Surprisingly it didn't wake him up, so knowing he was probably going to feel sick as soon as he woke up, she decided to let him sleep for a little longer and get out of bed to make him some breakfast and a cup of tea.

She had quietly made her way to the kitchen, preparing a sandwich and his favorite tea when suddenly his mom walked in as well making her jump.

"Isn't Dom awake yet?" she asked her. Liv tried her best not to show how much his mom had actually scared her, not wanting to upset her, so she breathed in slowly before she answered, "no I'm making breakfast for him so he doesn't have to when he wakes up."

His mom frowned, leaning against the kitchen counter.

"Stop being too good for him, Olivia! I love how you take care of him but he needs to do things on his own too! And he needs to take care of you for once as well."

Liv laughed, shaking her head as she was cutting up avocado to put on his toast because he had mentioned before how it was one of his favorites.

"He does take good care of me. And I don't make him breakfast every day but he felt really warm when I woke up so I think he's still sick."

The frown on the woman's face made place for a worried look. "He's still sick?"

Liv shrugged. "Maybe. He was still sleeping when I left his room."

"Oh," Dom's mom breathed out, looking down at her feet before she turned around and opened the fridge to grab some orange juice. "I've actually been a little worried about him the past few weeks. He's acting different and he's sick more often and it's just... odd."

Liv nodded in agreement, finding herself being a little surprised that his mom had noticed it as well even though it did make a lot of sense because it was his mom after all. Liv just thought she was seeing things.

"He's been stressed about his exams though," she told his mom, who nodded in her turn now.

"Yeah he's been studying a lot, hasn't he?"

Liv hummed and nodded, looking down again at the toast she was making. She felt Dom's mom stare at her for a moment and she didn't think much of it, until the woman reached out to move her hair to the side to expose her neck and grinned.

"He was feeling perfectly fine last night, wasn't he?"

It took a moment for Liv to realize she was aiming at the giant hickey on her neck, that Dom had given her the night before. She felt her cheeks go red within a second and brushed her hair back to cover it quickly.

Liv quickly grabbed the hot cup of tea to pick it up as well as the plate with the toast and stepped away from the kitchen counter.

"I'll see if he's awake yet," she said as she avoided eye contact with Dom's mom at all costs. The woman chuckled again and stroke her hand over Liv's hair shortly.

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