chapter 38

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It was the second day in a row where Liv woke up and Dom wasn't right next to her. This time it scared her more than the first time. Because she couldn't instantly see Dom when she opened her eyes like she did in the hotel and she couldn't get that one line out of her head he said to her the night before.

"If you're ever sad, and we aren't together, I want you to look up to the sky, okay?"

Even though Dom had explained to her why he told her that, it still concerned her.

So as quick as she could, Liv sat up and stretched her back to get rid of the pain she got from sleeping on the uncomfortable chair, and she pushed it forward before opening the car door.

Her concern quickly left as soon as she saw Dom sitting in the high grass, absently pulling the blades of grass out the ground one by one. He seemed so in his thoughts Dom didn't even notice Liv walking behind him until she sat down next to him.

"Oh hey," Dom spoke surprisedly, his face turning in a way only the left side was lit up by the sun which made his freckles visible. Liv loved how she could only see them in the sun and when she was close to him. It meant she was the only one who could see them.

"What were you doing?" Liv asked without greeting him back. Dom didn't seem to mind.

"Just... thinking. And staring."

"Thinking about what?"

"Just thoughts," he responded which kind of annoyed Liv in a way because she could feel something was up but he refused to tell her and knowing him, he wasn't going to give in.

Just when Liv was about to ask him if he was okay, Dom reached out to touch her face and turned it so her right side was now lit up by the sun and she was looking into his eyes. He wasn't directly looking back into her eyes though, and instead looked at her cheek.

"Turn a little more to the side baby," he said pushing her head even more, leaving Liv confused.

"It's healing so well." Dom stroked his fingers over her cheek which made Liv realize that he was talking about the big bruise she still had on her face from when her step mom hit her; the day she walked away from home. The fight that had basically caused this all.

"It doesn't hurt anymore," she told him, leaning into his touch. Her movement made Dom keep his hand on her cheek for a little longer and he kept brushing his thumb up and down even when he wasn't looking at the bruise anymore.

"That's good," he said, smiling when she did too.

"Yeah." Liv scanned her eyes over his face to unconsciously find bruises on his face too as he had them there before. When she saw a scar, her smile dropped immediately. The scar was only slightly visible in the sun, just like his freckles, but it was there.

She slowly took Dom's hand off her face and held it for a little longer to not let him think she pushed it away in anger.

"Why did you forgive me for that?" she asked Dom, not taking her eyes off the scar.

"For what?"

"That." Liv nodded into the direction of the scar.

"What, Liv?"

"The scar! Why did you forgive me for punching you in the fucking face?!"

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