chapter 66

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"Are you sure you want to come with me to hang with the boys? I don't want you to be bored."

"Hmh. I'd love to get to know your friends better," Liv told Dom as she was looking in his closet so see what she could wear tonight. She smirked when she saw something she liked, that was actually his, and she quickly grabbed it to hide it underneath the shirt in her hands so he wouldn't see it yet.

"You don't mind me coming with you, do you?" Liv asked him when Dom didn't talk anymore. She turned around to frown at him, but Dom shook his head.

"Of course not baby," he said with a slight smile around his pink lips, stepping towards her to rest his hands on her hips and pull her a little closer. "I'd love to."

"Okay," Liv said happily, pecking his lips shortly. "I'll go take a quick shower then."

"Liv wait."

Liv had already turned away from Dom when he grabbed her wrist and pulled her back, turning her around so she was looking at him again.

"You know these are not the guys who forced me to do cocaine, right?"

Liv nodded as she reached out to take a piece of his hair between her fingers and move it out of his pretty face.

"I know. I'd actually kill you if you'd go hang out with them again."

Dom rolled his eyes and laughed. "You know I would never."

He leaned in to kiss her cheek and couldn't resist to kiss her forehead too after that, as well as her other cheek. He eventually kissed her lips a few times before he finally let her go.

"I love you," he told her. It made Liv smile and kiss his lips once more, pushing her tongue in for just a few seconds to go a little more rough and catch him off guard, before she let go and walked away before he could say or do anything. She could hear him sigh and she could feel his eyes on her bum, but she completely ignored and left the room.


"Should I take a quick shower too before we- fuck Liv what are you wearing? Is that mine?"

Liv stopped in her tracks after she had just taken one step into his bedroom, and looked down to look at the black skirt she had put on after taking a shower, holding the ends to stretch it as she did a pose.

"It's yours, yes. Do you not like it?"

"No, no, I- fuck," he mumbled, stumbling over his words. He stood up from his bed and walked over to her to grab her hands and place them on his own hips. He looked down at the skirt once again before he moved his hips forward to press them against hers and looked back up into her eyes.

"It's just that you never- you never-"

Liv chuckled at the way his cheeks were flushed red and his eyes were wide. He was biting his bottom lip harshly probably to contain himself and tried his best to keep eye contact with her instead of constantly looking down.

"I never wear skirts, is that what you wanted to say?" Liv asked him as she moved one hand off his hips just so she could hold her finger underneath his chin and force him to keep looking at her. She loved seeing him being caught off guard by her like this, and she decided to keep it going for a little while longer as it made her feel powerful in a way.

Dom nodded, his breathing picking up as his lips parted a little.

"Words please," Liv whispered to him, pulling him a little closer so their noses were almost touching.

"Y- Yes," he breathed out. "Liv baby you look so good."

"I do?" Liv asked him, her right eyebrow going up. Dom nodded heavily, his hair flying in front of his eyes. It caused Liv to let his chin go for a moment and brush it away so she could keep looking into his eyes.

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