chapter 14

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Dom: are you done??

Liv: no.

Dom: how long

Dom: liv.

Liv smiled when she left him on read on purpose, knowing it would piss him off. She quickly looked through her window, making sure he wasn't looking into her room while she was changing. His lights were off, so she guessed he was ready and waiting for her downstairs.

She quickly switched shirts for the third time in two minutes and checked it in the mirror, fixing the chain that was around her neck. She could absolutely slap herself for caring so much about her appearance when she was literally going on a date with Dom, who she thought she didn't care so much about.

He didn't even want to change clothes in the first place; she just insisted to after she agreed to go on the date with him.

That was half an hour ago, and she was still getting ready.

Dom: at least tell me how long it'll take

Liv: ten minutes longer every time you send me a message

Dom: i'm cancelling the fucking date liv

Liv: coming in 5 mins stop being impatient

Dom: 🙄🙄🙄

She giggled yet again but did hurry this time because she started feeling bad for making Dom wait so long, especially because they had an argument about changing clothes in the first place, because he didn't even want to.

After she had put some oil in her black hair and checked her make up again, Liv grabbed her stuff and left her room.

She knew Dom would be outside, smoking, and honestly she didn't even care that much about it this time. But still when she had opened the front door and Dom saw her walking out of her house, he quickly dropped the cigarette that he had been smoking and pushed his shoe on it.

"I like the shirt," Dom mumbled, and it was obvious he wanted to remain annoyed because she had made him wait, but he couldn't stop himself from giving a compliment.

Liv looked down at the shirt and smiled. "Thanks. Forgot you liked them too."

She was wearing an Oasis shirt, which she had obviously done on purpose because no matter how much she hated herself for it, she still remembered lots of small things Dom had told her when they used to be friends. One of them was that Oasis was one of his favorite bands of all time.

Dom didn't respond and instead opened the car door for her so she could get in before he did.

"Your cologne smells nice," Liv spoke up after they had been sitting next to each other in silence for a whole minute.

Dom didn't say anything back, and Liv thought it was part of the act where he still wanted to make her feel like he was pissed off, until he said, "you like it, yeah?"

It was maybe even worse than him being pissed off, because Liv hated being caught off guard by him because she never knew how to act and it was so obvious that he certainly noticed it every time.

"Yeah," she mumbled as she rested her head on the back of the chair, hoping she wasn't too obvious.

Dom chuckled and moved his hand away from the steering wheel to gently run his thumb over her ear, tugging her hair behind it. It was only for two seconds until he moved his hand back, and he didn't look at Liv once.

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