chapter 72

439 20 3

// (more) sexual content


Liv was doing exactly what she had told Dom she would do. And now, after being teased by him the entire night while they were out, she had him begging for her all pathetic underneath her.

"L- Liv please I-"

Liv took her and away from his length after she had been edging him for a while, and bent down to kiss him harshly again, on his already swollen lips.

"Does it hurt?" she asked, biting his bottom lip making him whine.

He nodded and took his head off his pillow only to let it fall in it right after, desperate for her to touch him.

"Good," she only said, not giving him anything he had been begging for. She moved down to suck on his neck, choosing the exact spot she had been sucking on earlier just so it'd hurt a little more. The feeling caused Dom to roll his eyes to the back of his head and move his hips up, desperately searching for some friction.

She still refused to give it to him, and moved both of her hands to his hair to pull it and yank his head to the side so she'd have more access to his neck. She stopped sucking his skin for a second just to look at him, and she frowned when she saw him rolling his eyes back again, although she wasn't doing anything at the moment.

It made her look back only to see how he was trying to pleasure himself, as it was starting to get too painful and impossible to resist. Liv gasped at the sight and grabbed both of his hands aggressively to pin them above his head.

"You really thought you could do that without me noticing, huh?" she spat at him, holding his wrists so tight they turned red. When Dom didn't answer and just whined, she held both of his wrist with just one hand so she could use the other to grab his jaw and force him to look at her.

"You thought that was okay?" she asked him, having no mercy and holding his face firmly. Dom tried to shake his head and breathed out "n- no. No I'm just- Liv just touch me, please. Fuckin' please."

She smiled at the way he was begging for her right now, and she watched him for a few more seconds just to take in his helpless state before shaking her head and letting out a simple "no".

Dom whined in desperation, squirming under her touch hoping it would make her touch him eventually. But instead, she got off him and shot him a warning look.

"Don't move," she said, watching his mouth fall open as he started breathing even heavier. Liv walked over to the closet Dom had gotten the vibrator from, and she only had to open the plastic bag for a second when she found what she was searching for. Dom knew exactly what she was planning.

"Liv no, please," he whined, biting his lip as he watched her take out a rope.

"It's the only way I'm sure you'll actually listen to me baby."

She saw how his breathing only got heavier as she walked back to the bed and sat on top of him again. His hands were still above his head as she told him sternly not to move, and she smiled as she grabbed them and tied them to the headboard of the bed, leaving him even more helpless.

She had never tied him up before, so after she was done, she crawled back on the bed and sat back on her heels just to look at him and see him lay there on the bed for her all pretty.

"Are you- Are you gonna touch me now?" Dom choked out, making Liv laugh and raise her eyebrow at him.

"Do you want me to?" she asked, although the answer was obvious by the heavy breathing only. Dom nodded heavily, tugging on the rope as all he wanted was touch her right now.

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