chapter 71

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"Turn left at the end of this street baby," Dom told Liv from behind, making her nod to show him she heard him well. He had been walking behind her the entire time ever since they left the house and he told her it was because he didn't want anyone else to look at her now she was wearing his skirt, and although she knew it was partly true, she also knew he was walking behind her just so he could control the vibrator without her trying to stop him.

Liv started walking a little faster, even though she had been walking pretty fast already. She just wanted this night to be over because Dom was definitely having fun with this, but she wasn't. At all.

Dom followed her right behind though when she picked up her tempo, and when he barely could keep up with her anymore, he turned up the vibrator just so she'd stop walking just from the shock.

"Slow down, yeah?" he whispered, grabbing her waist from behind to pull her against his chest. "I know you think you're smart, but this is only going to make it worse."

"Dom," Liv moaned, feeling his grip on her waist tighten as soon as she said it, probably because it really did things with him.

"Hm?" he hummed, his voice lower than ever. He kissed her jawline gently and nudged his face in her neck.

"T- Turn- Turn it down."

Dom giggled against her neck and instead of doing what she asked him to, she felt his hand move to her skirt very slowly, holding her so tightly she could barely move. Nervously, Liv looked up to see if anyone was watching them, but the street they had just walked into was almost empty, and she knew Dom knew that as well.

She gasped again at the vibrations that seemed to get worse by the second even though Dom wasn't doing anything with it right now. Her head fell back on Dom's shoulder and Dom kept her up while he suddenly moved his hand into her underwear really quick, just to push the vibrator more up.

Liv moaned at the feeling, a little too loud, and it caused Dom to cover her mouth quickly.

"Shhh," he whispered in her ear, nibbling on her earlobe, "we don't want anyone to know what's going on, now do we?"

Liv shook her head as her eyes rolled back at the feeling, huffing and groaning hoping it would make Dom turn it down a little because she knew begging wouldn't help. In fact, begging would only encourage him to do more and she knew that very well.

Dom kissed her ear softly as he pushed the fingers of his hand that had just covered her mouth, into her mouth for her to suck on them. She did it instantly, partly in reflex and partly because she decided to just go with whatever Dom wanted her to do because it'd make it easier for her, probably.

"Tell me it feels good baby," he whispered, adding a third finger into her mouth before he pulled them out completely so she could talk. Liv could only breathe in and out heavily at the feeling though. Once Dom turned it down just a little bit, Liv breathed out slowly in relief and already parted her lips to talk, but as soon as she did, Dom turned it up again. Even more than he did last time.

"Fu- Fuck," she moaned quietly, letting her head fall back for a second time.

"I said," Dom told her sternly, using his fingers to take ahold of her jaw and force her to keep her head in that position, "tell me it feels good."

"It- It- It does," she stuttered, her legs shaking a little which somehow was a sign for Dom to turn it down again. In fact, he turned it off completely making her breathe out shakily.

"What? I need more words sweetheart," he whispered, waiting for her to answer but Liv was still trying to catch her breath. She moved her head up which forced Dom to let her face go. Although she didn't even have the chance to answer him, the way she had just made him let go of her face upset him in a way, and with no mercy he turned the vibrator up all the way.

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