chapter 34

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Running away from home was probably the dumbest thing they could do.

For Liv it was one of the best decisions she had ever made: there was no one who told her what to do and she finally felt like she was deciding things in her life rather than her dad or teachers. Besides, she loved being with her boyfriend all the time. Honestly at the start she was a little scared they'd fight all the time, but they had been away from home for two days now and they hadn't fought once.

Despite that one time right after they left home.

Maybe it was the fact that they both finally admitted they were in love, that made them both more careful than ever. Because neither of them would even want to risk to lose it.

They had only slept for a few hours in the past two days as they had no place to stay other than in the car, which made Liv a little nervous because being tired meant being more irritable. But the medicines they both took in the mornings, like they had promised, helped a lot.

"Liv, honey."

Dom turned down the music they had been singing along to for a good two hours, and giggled when Liv kept on singing for another few seconds after the song paused. She shot Dom an angry look right after she stopped.

"Why did you stop it?"

"Are you hungry?" Dom asked her, eyeing her shortly before he focused on the road again.

Liv hummed while thinking but shook her head. "I'm good."

She wanted to turn up the music again, but Dom stopped her, pushing her hand back into her lap.

"Maybe we should stop at a hotel for a night so we can have some good rest."

Liv turned towards Dom and frowned. "If you're tired of course we can stop driving for today but... I don't have any money."

"I do have a little bit," Dom said. "So I'll pay."

"Dom, no," Liv immediately refused. "It was my stupid fucking plan to leave anyway so I'm not gonna make you pay for it."

"Isn't it your birthday in six days?" Dom asked her, making Liv's eyes go soft instantly because she hadn't expected him to remember.

"I want to do something for your birthday. And you deserve a night in a hotel instead of a fucking car."

"I really don't mind, you know that," Liv said quietly, but seriously.

"Let me pay for tonight, yeah?"

She didn't immediately agree with him, until Dom tugged the sleeves of his own sweater that Liv was wearing over her hands and pulled her now covered hand towards his lap. "Okay?"

Liv groaned and let her head fall against the seat, but the fact that she didn't say no was enough for Dom to smile satisfied and turn up the music again.

Liv had no idea how far they were from home when they stopped at the hotel, as neither of them had brought their phone, but counting the hours they spent driving and the fact that they were in a place she had never heard of before, she guessed it was pretty far.

Still, to be sure, they had decided to cover their faces a little in case the police was searching for them. Liv just put on a hoodie, but instead of doing the same, Dom leaned over to the backseat and started going through the stuff that was there.

"What are you-"

"This!" he said happily before Liv could even ask him the question. She saw how he sat back in his seat with a red wig in his hands. Liv laughed, thinking it was some kind of a clown wig and he was just joking around, but once he put it on his head and adjusted it a little, she soon realized it actually looked good on him.

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