chapter 36

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A cold breeze hitting Liv's bare skin woke her up, leaving her confused immediately because she couldn't remember letting her window open when she fell asleep. She quickly reminded herself of how she was not home, in fact far from home, and when she opened her eyes she noticed the cold was coming from where Dom was sitting: in the open window of their hotel room, one leg hanging out of it as well as one hand as he was letting the smoke of his cigarette disappear in the wind.

Liv watched him for a moment, covering her naked body with the warm blanket up until her chin. She could see how Dom had just taken a shower, by the way water was still dripping from the ends of his black hair and how he was sitting in just his boxers. She could see some red spots on his back as he always showered with the water a little too warm.

Liv liked watching him like this; watching how peaceful he just sat there and how he seemed to have nothing to worry about for just a moment.

"Can I take a hit?"

Dom turned around confusedly, as if he completely forgot Liv was there. He probably just hadn't expected her to wake up this early.

"You wanna take a hit?" he asked with a slight frown, but a smile still visible on his tired face.

Liv nodded as she pushed herself up, still covering her body with the blanket. "I wanna know what it tastes like."

"It's disgusting," Dom said, ironically taking another hit right after that. "Not gonna let you get into that."

"It seems peaceful."

It was funny how quick Dom have in whenever Liv asked him something, like now. He sighed and beckoned her to sit down next to him. Liv bent down to the floor to get her string and t shirt that were still laying there, and put them on before she pushed the blankets off of her and walked over to the open window.

She sat down next to Dom on the small table just as high as the window so it was easy for her to sit while having both of her legs hanging out of the window. As soon as she did, she felt Dom's arm around her waist to make sure she couldn't fall, and he pressed a small kiss on the side of her head, not saying anything.

Liv watched him take one last hit before he handed the cigarette to her, chuckling when she struggled holding it.

"Now, when you take a hit, make sure you inhale the smoke until you can feel it going in your throat. Don't just keep it in your mouth."

Liv nodded although she honestly had no idea what he meant, and she slowly put the cigarette between her lips. She could feel how her boyfriend was watching her closely, but still she didn't make eye contact. As confident as she could, she took a long hit, trying to 'feel the smoke in her throat' like Dom told her. It didn't take longer than three seconds though, before she started coughing loudly and took the cigarette away from her mouth.

"Smooth," Dom joked, taking the cigarette from her and gently tapping on her back as she was coughing.

"Fuck," Liv could barely breathe out in between coughs, making Dom laugh again. He pulled her closer with the arm that was still around her waist and pushed her head on his shoulder.

"Did you like it?" he asked jokingly, as they both knew the answer already. Liv didn't even answer him and instead coughed a few more times before she exhaustedly rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes.

"I actually wanted to stop smoking soon," Dom said, "for real this time."

It was funny, because she could hear him taking another hit, as if he knew he had to enjoy them now he still could.

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