chapter 7

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"I didn't overreact, did I?"

"No you didn't. You had a point."

"Then why did she block me, Dani?! She literally- Look!"

Liv shoved her phone into her friend's face, who immediately pushed away her hand and nodded. "I know, Liv. You showed me three times already."

"But is it for real? How does her profile look on your phone?"

"Normal, so yes, she blocked you but that's something on her side. You did nothing wrong," Dani answered, holding her front door open although she was obviously freezing as the cold made its way inside. Liv had been planning to go home for a while, but right before she left she found out Anna blocked her, and she had been trying to convince herself it was fake ever since then.

"Fuck, Dani! I- I tried to- This is the second time I finally take my pills again and I still fuck up!"

"Liv it's not your-"

"No?! Well, she has never blocked me before so this is one of our worst fights and it happens right when i tried to become better!"

Out of frustration Liv's voice had raised a lot, and Dani quickly shushed her as her family was inside as well. As a response Liv just groaned frustratedly.

"Anna has been acting strange lately. It's not because of you, really," Dani told her softly. Liv looked at her friend while biting her lip and then sighed.

"Don't leave me too, Dani. I promise I'm trying."

It was for the first time in a while that Liv was vulnerable like this. For a long time she had had the attitude of not caring about anything that was happening to her, but the way the past week had changed everything so much, made her think about the things she did and the way she did them.

"I know you're trying," Dani said sadly, tugging Liv's hand. Liv shivered when she felt how cold Dani's hand was, and just now realized how unfair it was that she was standing in her jacket while Dani was still in her thin t shirt. Her friend looked like she was freezing to death. 

Liv opened her mouth to respond, but sighed and nodded. 

"Go home now," Dani told her, rubbing her finger over the back of Liv's hand before she let it go. "It's getting dark, I don't want you to have to walk home too late." 

Liv zipped her jacket closed and again nodded to what her friend told her. She locked eyes with Dani and smiled lightly. 

"I'll see you tomorrow?" 

"See you tomorrow," Dani said, making sure she only closed the door once Liv was out of sight, even though she was getting colder by the second.

It wasn't too far from Dani's house to Liv's, maybe ten minutes. It was getting dark, but Liv was used to being alone outside in the dark. The only time there had been a problem was when Dom forced her to go home. All the other times she would just skate around town until way past midnight.

Just as she reminded herself that she hadn't done that for a while, she opened the front door of her house and heard her dad yell to her step mother. 

She couldn't even hear what they were telling each other, but considering the fights they had over the past days, it wasn't something necessarily positive. 

Liv closed the front door behind her as silent as possible to make sure her dad and step mom wouldn't hear her, and quickly walked upstairs to get her skateboard. This was a good moment to leave the house and skate for a while again, to avoid more problems because what was going on at the moment was enough for Liv to worry about. 

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