chapter 53

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"What are we chatting about girls?"

Liv was standing in the kitchen of Dom's house, talking to his mom which she had been doing for the past twenty minutes while Dom was taking a shower. She loved cooking dinner with his mom and talk about random stuff. It made her feel like she had a mom again and she couldn't describe the feeling that gave her.

"Dominic," his mom spoke seriously when she saw Dom approaching them, his hair messy from the shower with water dripping down on his t shirt. The way she said his full name caused Dom to stop walking immediately and raise his eyebrow.

"What?" he asked her, his eyes shooting from his mom to Liv and back.

"You're going to a party tonight? While you're sick?!" his mom asked him. Dom's eyes went from his mom to Liv again.

"Why'd you tell her I'm sick?" he shout whispered which was funny because they all knew his mom could hear it anyway.

"Because, Dom, your girlfriend was worried about you and she asked me if I had any medicines that could make you feel better," his mom told him before Liv could say something. Liv smiled nervously and nodded in agreement, hoping Dom wouldn't get mad at her.

His expression changed immediately though when his mom said that and he walked over to Liv to grab her waist and turn her around so he could hug her from behind but still look at his mom. He buried his face in the crook of her neck and kissed her a few times in a row, making Liv jerk away because of his wet hair brushing over her skin.

"You're adorable, you know that?" he whispered when he moved his lips to her cheek and kissed her there too, keeping his lips against her cheek as he spoke to her.

Although she tried to playfully push him away, Liv couldn't deny his words made her blush like they always did. He just had this impact on her.

"She is adorable and you should be grateful to have a girlfriend like that. And you should be smart for once and stay home if you feel sick," his mom told him, as she could obviously still hear him talk because they were right next to her.

"I'm sick because I'm stressed, mom. Going to a party will help me forget that. It'll make me feel better."

"Because you'll be on alcohol and drugs all night too far gone to have a single thought?"

"No," Dom said, suddenly defensive. He moved his arms away from Liv's body and stepped back a little. "Why the fuck would you say that?"

His mom looked up at his aggressive reaction and lowered the wooden spoon that was in her hand as she was stirring. "It was a joke, Dom. Calm down. You can go to the party if you want to okay?"

Dom rolled his eyes and huffed annoyedly before he grabbed Liv's hand to guide her out of the kitchen.

"I was going anyway even if you'd say no," he told his mom.

"As long as you let Liv keep an eye on you!"


The party did really make him feel a lot better. Liv disliked parties anyway so she was just sat next to Dom on an old couch watching him interact with his friends from the school she left months ago. She didn't recognize any of them though, except Adam. But apparently they were all from another year.

Dom seemed to have fun. He wasn't even drinking that much but started being more and more loud the longer they were there. It was just his enthusiasm.

Every now and then he'd check on Liv to see if she was okay and didn't want to leave the party yet. Of course, she didn't even want to be at the party in the first place. But as long as he was having fun she didn't really care.

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