chapter 37

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The gentle voice of the black haired boy laying next to her in the car broke the silence that had been there for a while, as they were both trying to sleep. It was odd being back in the car to spend the night, and it felt much more uncomfortable than Liv could remember after they spent a night in a hotel.

"Hmh?" Liv answered him, turning around underneath the small but warm blanket.

"Can we play a game?"

"A game?"

"Yeah." There was a short silence again. "I can't sleep."

"Oh." Liv pushed herself up so she was leaning on her elbows and she could see the stars outside the car. "Yeah, we can play a game."

"Okay," Dom said and he seemed to push himself up or at least turn as well, although Liv could barely see him through the dark. "Tell me something I don't know about you."

She had expected a simple game; not something she had to actually think for. Liv giggled shortly and shrugged. "We've been friends for a long time years ago. I think you-"

"Yes I know a lot about the old Liv," Dom cut her off. "I don't know everything about the new Liv though."

"I don't-"

"Think hard. It can be anything."

Dom gave Liv the time to think for a moment. At first she wanted to pick something simple and small, but that was probably not what he wanted from her. So she went with something else.

"A few months ago I was in lo- I thought I was in love with a girl."

"You thought," Dom repeated.

"Yeah. I liked her a lot and I thought that was what it was like to be in love. Now I know that... it's not. I just liked her."

It took a while until Dom understood what she was saying with that, and she saw how his shadow moved as he sat up straight.

"Can you lay with me again?" he asked, his voice small again. Liv knew something was going on with him tonight, and he just needed to have her company.

So she pushed away her blanket and moved over to his chair that was pushed all the way back to make a bed out of it. It wasn't big and far from comfortable, but it was just big enough for them both to lay together on the same chair. Liv was mostly just laying on Dom's body though.

She felt him pulling the blanket over their bodies and wrapping his arms around it, resting his head on top of hers.

"So you like girls too?" he asked her while Liv was listening to his heartbeat that was very steady which honestly made her very calm and tired.

Liv nodded. "Is that okay?"

"Of course it is." She heard how Dom laughed softly. "What was her name?"

"Maria. She was so cool but so scary and I never even really talked to her. I was always scared I'd fuck it up."

"You were scared to talk to someone?" Dom asked her teasingly, poking Liv's side which made her jump a little as she tried to push his hand away.

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