chapter 20

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Dom immediately stopped yelling at Liv when she hid her face in her hands and slowly lowered herself onto the floor, her back still pressed against the door Dom had placed her against.

"Fucking hell it's just-"

Dom lowered too so he was on her level and she knew he was crouched right in front of her but still Liv didn't take her hands away.

"Attacking her is so dumb, Liv. Especially because I asked you to let it slide and especially in school. This can cause so much trouble."

Liv just nodded because he was right and she couldn't deny it.

"I told you not to."

Liv was crying into her hands, silently, but she could feel how Dom was staring at her. At least he wasn't yelling at her anymore.

"Look me in the eyes," he said. She felt his fingers on top of her hands, as he reached out to take her hands away so they could make eye contact. When Liv didn't do what he asked, he indeed grabbed her hands and pulled them.

"Look me in the eyes right now."

His voice wasn't threatening, but it had that kind of intimidating tone that still scared Liv to death, even though she hated being scared of him. So she let him take her hands away, which he did gently, and she looked into his crystal green eyes.

"She started talking about the party," Liv spoke up before he could. Her voice broke which made her clear her throat hoping she would sound a little less weak, but she didn't.

"And she kept going about it and I just had to Dom. In that moment I just had to."

In his face she could see how angry he still was with her, but he still laid his hand on her cheek and stroked his thumb up and down as he broke eye contact to get water from his backpack that he had apparently thrown on the floor as soon as they had entered the bathroom. He then handed it over to Liv, who took it from him and opened the bottle with her shaking hands.

"You want pills? To calm down?" Dom asked, already reaching out to search for them in his backpack. Liv shook her head though, and said, "I don't think I'm gonna start another fight anytime soon."

For the first time since he had dragged her away from Anna, a tiny smile appeared on Dom's face. It was before he turned around and sat down next to Liv, his back against the door as well.

It was silent and Liv used the silence to take a few sips out of the bottle. Once she had put the lid back on and put it down next to her on the floor, she let herself fall so her head was pressed against Dom's chest.

She could hear Dom's sigh, and his chest moving with it, but he still ran his hands through her hair.

"You know I'm really fucking mad at you, right?" he spoke. Liv just nodded.

"I just can't- Her blood was on the floor."

This time Liv didn't even nod. She just closed her eyes at the feeling of Dom's fingers running through her long, dark hair and she smiled for a second when she felt how his ring got stuck in a strand of hair.

"It's gonna bring you in so much trouble, and for what?"

"For you."

"I thought you hated me, though."

Liv giggled. "Not as much as I hate Anna."

Obviously she was joking, because they both knew she couldn't keep insisting she hated him. After everything they did together she just couldn't.

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