chapter 69

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"You're eating with us again tonight right honey?"

"A- Actually no. I'm going back home for the night. My dad missed me."

Liv turned around and smiled at Dom's mom who had walked into the bathroom as Liv had kept the door open while she was searching for her perfume. She hadn't heard his mom come in though, so she had a hard time hiding how much it had scared her.

"Oh he did? I'm not surprised though, you've been here for a while."

Liv nodded. "I went back home a few times though," she said, closing another drawer when she didn't see her perfume there. It was the twentieth she had opened maybe.

"But when was the last time you spent a whole night at home?" Sam asked her, her eyebrow raised. It made Liv sigh and raise her shoulders, thinking for a few seconds as she genuinely couldn't tell when was the last time she slept in her own bed.

"Dom just needed me," she said, lowering her shoulders, "but he's doing better so I guess I can sleep at my own house for a night."

"He really is doing great," Sam agreed, smiling a little as she said it. Liv smiled as well when she saw the woman's eyes shine.

"You did amazing while taking care of him, Liv. I don't think there could be anyone better for him than you."

"It's just what every girlfriend would do," Liv shrugged, but giving the woman another smile. She wanted to walk past Sam to go back to Dom's bedroom and gather her stuff, but Sam stopped her by grabbing her arm.

"That's not true," she said seriously, letting her arm go just so she could rub her hand up and down Liv's upper arm.

"I hope Dom gives you lots of love back."

Liv chuckled and looked down, nodding. "He does, don't worry."

Sam nodded as she smiled as well and laid her hand on Liv's cheek shortly, just to make her look up again.

"If you still need anything, just know I'm always here, okay?"

Liv already knew Sam cared about her, as it was just obvious and she mentioned it more often. Still, Sam's words made Liv tear up a little as she nodded with big eyes.

"Thank you," she whispered, her voice cracking a little.

Sam knew exactly why this meant so much to Liv, so she only smiled wider as she caressed Liv's cheek with her fingers. She didn't say anything though, and just nodded one last time before taking her hand off Liv's face.

Liv was about to just swallow her tears away and make her way out of the bathroom now, but when she repeated Sam's words in her head one more time, she turned around and wrapped her arms around the woman's neck, catching her off guard a little.

She recieved a tight hug back though, making it hard for Liv to let go because she had needed this so bad. It wasn't like Dom never hugged her, because he did all the time, but she had just missed the feeling of having a mother figure who cared about her. And that was what she was feeling right now.

"Liv's only leaving for one night mom," Dom interrupted them, making both Liv and Sam let go immediately and turn around to face him.

"Not for one year," he added, frowning but obviously holding back a laugh. Liv rolled her eyes at him, not even knowing how to explain this, but his mom was first to talk.

"I just told her how amazing she is," she said, "and how I'd always be here for her."

The slightly confused frown made place for a smile now on Dom's face. One with shiny eyes.

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