chapter 23

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It was boring and empty sitting in her room all day doing practically nothing because she had no phone with her and she couldn't go outside, or even to school. There even were moments where she started missing school just because she had nothing to do.

One good thing, she guessed, was that she wasn't expelled. They gave her one more chance, for which she probably had to thank Mrs. Davis who had talked good about her. The poor woman.

Her dad hadn't said a word to her all week, just like her brother. So it was just Liv and her thoughts that got worse every day.

They got worse very quickly because it was eating her alive how she couldn't tell Dom how bad she felt about the way she acted towards him right before she left. Just when they were okay again. Actually, better than ever.

But of course she had to ruin that.

So now all she did was sit in her dark room for hours thinking about how everyone probably hated her because she could never handle things normally; no matter how many times people had to try to fix her.

Sometimes her stomach would flip around, when she thought about how Dom had told her he didn't hate her. But it was stupid because he had definitely changed his mind on that.

When that thought crossed her mind for the tenth time that day and it was only morning, Liv got out of bed frustratedly and ripped the blinds open. She told herself she did it to get a little light in her room which would maybe make her thoughts lighter, but she knew damn well it was because she hoped Dom would be there.

She completely froze on her spot when he was there, though, and she couldn't take her eyes off him for a good five seconds.

During all of those five seconds, Dom didn't even move. It made Liv wonder whether he just didn't notice her or he didn't want to see her. Because she knew she could always see him in the corner of her eye whenever he was at his window and she was sitting behind her desk.

Liv let the blinds open and slowly walked back to the bed, sitting on the edge.

In two days she was going to school again, and she had to face Dom. She was sure of that as their project had to be finished by the end of the week and they still had lots of work to do. And after all Mrs. Davis had done for her, there was no way she could switch partners again.

Liv wanted to rip her hair out by that idea, but just as she felt another wave of anger coming, she saw the yellow post-its on her night stand that she had been using the other night to draw when she ran out of paper.

Liv bent over to grab the pile and ripped off the post-it that was on the top. She had drawn Dom's painting of a city, that was hanging on his bedroom wall, but then small. She barely remembered any details of the painting, though, but she just wanted to recreate it as it kept popping up in her mind.

She laid that drawing on her bed and flicked through the remaining post-its. There were still a lot. Enough, at least, for the idea that had popped into her mind.

Liv stood up from the bed again and walked over to the window. Surprisingly, Dom wasn't there anymore, but she was honestly happy he wasn't.

One by one, Liv ripped the post-its off the pile and stuck them to the window, until it eventually spelled

'S O R R Y'

It was all she could do as the window wasn't bigger than that and he still had to be able to read it. Liv stared at it once she was done, and had already moved her hand to one of the post-its to take it off as she questioned her idea again, but right at that moment Dom entered his bedroom again. This time, his eyes instantly fell on Liv's window.

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