chapter 50

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It had been at least twenty minutes since her dad had left the room to talk to Dom. She knew they were still talking; she could faintly hear their voices coming from the bathroom. For a moment she had doubted whether she should follow her dad to the bathroom and listen to the conversation, but she figured she didn't even want to know what Dom said to him. She knew it'd only hurt her more.

So instead of focusing on the conversation, Liv had started cleaning the floor of the basement, getting the chocolate milkshake off it before it would completely ruin the wood.

She was sitting on the floor, slowly wiping a wet towel over it while she was humming a song that was stuck in her head just so she could distract herself from any bad thoughts because she knew that if she would let her thoughts take over now, she would start crying again.

She was so caught up in trying to get her thoughts to go anywhere but Dom's words, that she didn't even hear him entering the room, until he sat down next to her and gently took the towel from her to wipe the floor himself.

"What fucker did this?" he asked jokingly, his voice rough as he probably had been crying for about half an hour.

"I don't know," Liv went with his joke, staring at his movements instead of looking at him, "I think it was the cat."

She heard Dom giggle making her heart flutter.

"That's why I hate cats," he mumbled.

It was silent after that and Liv didn't move from her spot when Dom was wiping the last bit of chocolate off the floor and then picked up the cup to throw it in the bin.

She could feel him looking at her as he walked back to where he had been sitting, but she didn't look back. It made her jump a little when he suddenly grabbed her arms to take them away from her lap and pull her up until she was standing.

She still avoided looking into his green eyes though, afraid she would see anger or sadness in them, knowing that would break her.

Dom tried pushing her head up by placing his hand under her chin, but it only made her look down. Dom grabbed her face with one hand and squeezed her cheeks, forcing her to look at him in a way she could impossibly decline.

"I'm not mad at you, sweetheart," he said softly but seriously, the tone of his voice driving her absolutely insane.

"You were right though. I hurt you so much," she whispered at him as she prayed he didn't feel her shiver when he ran his free hand over her arm from the top of her shoulder all the way down to her hand.

Dom shook his head. "I was being selfish. I didn't realize you were hurt just as much."

For the first time Liv regretted not listening to Dom's conversation with her dad. She wondered what her dad had told him about her.

"You're never selfish," she told him. "You were right."

"We were both hurt. But we learned from it, didn't we? And everything is good now."

"What did you and my dad talk about?" Liv asked him, making him smile, biting his lip. It made her even more confused than she already was, and she watched him closely, barely breathing, as his face came closer to hers until his lips were almost touching hers. His hands moved down to her hips to hold them tightly, keeping her in place.

"I don't know," he said quietly, "he told me how you were so in love with me you were absolutely hooked."

Liv stopped breathing for a second, and she gave everything to breathe out, "I still am."

Something changed in Dom's face: she knew she just made him feel something which always brought out the dominant side in him.

"Oh you are, yeah?" he smirked, leaning in so close it made Liv move forward a little to try to kiss him as a reflex, but Dom moved back just enough to make that impossible.

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